Chapter Seven

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As we sat up on a hill at Humming Bird Heights, starting into Nicolas's deep dark eyes, I could think about was kissing him. Not a passionate kiss or a kiss where your lips barely brush each other. I wanted to kiss him softly and gently. His lips were pale and shimmering from Chapstick.

We laid there for what seemed like forever, as the sky changed colors behind us but I was focused on the colors of Nicolas. Pitch black hair, pale skin, light pink lips, and brown eyes that looked like burning fire wood. He was wearing a black t-shirt, black skinny jeans with holes in them, and black combat boots. All of him had a golden glow due to the sun going down. I swear he fell from heaven and if he didn't he rose from hell.

As the sky stopped glowing gold and black started to color the sky, I took Nicolas's face in my hands and without thinking I kissed him. I kissed him too hard, too fast, and too sloppy. Embarrassed I pulled away slowly, my face glowing bright red. Then he grabbed me by my Three Days Grace t-shirt and kissed me the way I wanted to kiss him. It was warm, soft, gentle, and I wanted more.

That night I walked Nicolas home. It was pitch black, the same color as his hair, when we got there. I took out a pen and wrote my phone number on his arm. He smiled and it was like the sun was shining all over again. He stood on his tip toes and kissed me on the cheek before disappearing inside his house. I watched him leave and I knew that we were definitely having a second date.

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