Chapter Three

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School was hell as usual. I called Riley to see if she wanted to hang out but she was busy with her older sister, Hannah. Jake said he was busy and Hayley was out with Marine. I didn't want to be left alone with Brittany. To be honest she scares me. My curiosity overrules my fear so I knocked on her bedroom door.

The door slung open."What?" She yelled at me. I was about to say nothing! And run away but I didn't. I cleared my throat. "Why did you get arrested the other night?"

She walked over to her bed and sat down. I haven't been in her room in years. I sat next to her.

Close up she didn't look scary. Her hair was dyed blonde with faded blue and pink streaks. Her eyes were focused on something in front of her, they were still the same brown color she was born with, but they looked like someone took the spark out of them and left them cold.

She looked at me. "I tired to use a fake id to get into a club," she said and for the first time in years she didn't sound like she hated the world. "I got in but I used a stolen credit card to pay for my drinks. Plus, I broke all of the 'rules of the road' on my way home."

I didn't say anything just nodded. I was ready to leave when Brittany started crying. Never in my life had I seen her cry. She grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

"I screwed up. I screwed it all up. I can't change what I have done. Please, Nicolas don't be like me. I want you to graduate high school, go to college, get a good career, marry someone,and raise a family. Go and do whatever you want, just don't be like me. I want more for you. Promise me that, alright?"

"I swear," I said with a shaky voice. Seeing her cry made me want to cry. I stood up and walked to the door.

"Nicolas," Brittany said almost in a whisper. "I know that life isn't easy but don't give up okay? No matter how hard things get do not give up. Understand?"

"I understand," I said looking at her.

"One more thing," she stood up and walked over to me, then she hugged me. I slowly wrapped my arms around her. She pulled away and kissed me on the cheek. We let go of each other.

"I love you," she said wiping away tears from her eyes. "I love you too," I said and left. I heard her shut the door as I was half way down the hall. 

I decided to go to a burger joint downtown. I wasn't really hungry but I ate anyway. When I was leaving I ran into someone.

"Oh sorry," I looked to see Parker my ex-crush standing there.

Parker Jones, eighteen years old with a muscular body, black hair, green eyes, and mischievous smile. We are somewhat friends I guess. He never knew I had a crush on him and he never will.

After I ran into him, he asked me if I wanted to go to on a walk with him. I said yes and we started walking around town.

"So what's up?" He asked me. "Same old same old," I mumbled staring at the ground. "You?" "My girlfriend Alice , well I guess I should say ex-girlfriend," he sighed.

I looked at him and he was starting at the ground. "I'm sorry," I said trying to sound like I was. Truth be told I didn't really care. We walked in silence for what seemed like hours. I noticed it was getting dark.

"I should get home," I told him. We stopped walking and faced each other. Next thing I knew, his lips were on mine as the sun went down.

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