Chapter Four

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When I got home the police where there. I saw Hayley and Marine crying. I went inside and sat beside them on the couch. "What happened?" I asked.

Hayley looked up and me. Tears streamed down her chocolate face. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. "Nicolas," she took a shaky breath. "Brittany is dead."

Three days after her death I understood why she cried for the first time. She had given up on life. She screwed up her life and she didn't want to live with it, so she killed herself. I didn't know why.

People always say that when you lose someone you love, it is hard to believe that they are gone. When Brittany killed herself and I found out, I went to go see her. I found her bloody corpse  on the bathroom floor. I knew she was dead. The life was gone out of her and she was never coming back. There is no such thing.

I didn't believe in heaven or hell. I didn't believe in love or soulmates or any of that. I believed that people lived and died. There was nothing more than that. 

I have to admit that I miss her though. I miss her music blasting, her insults, the sound of her boots going down the hall, and most of all the old her. I miss the old Brittany more than anything.

I went to school as usual. It was Friday, my favorite day of the week. I ran into the blonde haired boy again. I was walking down the hall when I bumped into him.

"Hey," he smiled at me. "Hey," I said blushing.
"I just realized that I never got your name," he said seriously. "My name is Nicolas Legna," I said quietly. "Wayne Summer,"he said.

Now I have a name to match to that handsome face, I thought to myself.

Just then the bell rang. "See you later?" He asked, and I swear that there was hope in his voice. "Maybe tonight. Say eight at Humming Bird Heights?"

I could barely believe my ears. My heart speed up and I couldn't move. Finally as he turned to walk away I found my courage.

"I would love to," I smiled at him. "Great," he smiled back and we went our separate ways off to different classes.

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