Chapter Twenty Two- Wedding!

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Conor's POV
I still couldn't believe that it had been five months since I'd proposed, and today was the wedding. I was really nervous, but yet, I was excited. Amber and I had seen each other for dinner and a movie yesterday evening, but I wasn't allowed to see her until she walks down the aisle. I had a couple of my friends from the home as my groomsmen. Corban, Jacob, and David. My best man is Philip, Hanna's older brother, who is a year younger than me. Amber's cousin, Jude, is the ring bearer, and her sister, Kaia, is our flower girl. Her maid of honor is Hanna, and her bridesmaids are three friends if hers that she met when she was in the hospital recovering. Myia, who had been in a car accident; Erica, who also had cancer; and Leah, who had been in a house fire. We later discovered that Corban and Leah were dating, and he was getting ready to propose. I was pacing the room that I was waiting in when Joel poked his head in.

"Hey mate. We've got fifteen minutes. You ready?" I messed with my tie.
"Yes! No. Maybe..." My voice trailed off. I was too nervous. He came in, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay. Luke said that I was like a cat over water; I was that nervous. But, truth is, like my dad told me, all the ceremony doesn't really matter. Sure, it's nice, but pretty much all that matters is whether or not you truly love each other. I can tell that you do, especially since you've been in a long-distance relationship for the last four years, and it's survived. You've been approaching this point for four years, so..." He chuckled, and I smiled. I was glad that he was pleased and supported us like this. Moriah poked her head in, beckoning to us.

"Hey! Five minutes! Get moving, slowpokes!" Joel gave her an offended look.
"Excuse me! I am not a slowpoke!" He waved at me, pretending to chase her out. I headed out, and found Corban, Jacob, David, and Philip waiting for me, and we headed on up. Moriah was seated in the front by Philip, and Corban placed a lavender colored birdhouse on the chair, in honour of Katelyn. Kaia came down the aisle, then Jude came. Myia, Erica, and Leah came, followed by Hanna. Then, everyone stood, and Joel came in, escorting Amber down the aisle. She wore the same dress that Moriah had worn, and the tiara. She didn't have a veil, but I had never seen her look more beautiful. They got to the front, and Joel somewhat reluctantly handed her off to me, going to sit beside Moriah. About the only thing I remember from the ceremony is saying 'I Do,' and putting the ring on her finger after saying my vows.. Next thing I knew, the preacher had said the one thing I had waited to hear for so long.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Conor, you may kiss the bride." No one needed to say any more. I had waited for this for so long. I did the same thing her dad and my dad did at their weddings. I wrapped my arms around her, dipping her down to my side, and I kissed her, her arms wrapped around my neck. As we stood, I saw Joel and Moriah grinning, and everyone was cheering. I picked her up, bridal style, and carried her up the aisle. She was bright red, and she buried her face in my shoulder, laughing. Everyone dispersed, heading for the reception, except for family and the court of honour, who stayed for pictures. It took about twenty minutes for the pictures to finish, and then we headed to the reception. It was so amazing. As we headed in, Jude escorted Kaia, who kissed him on the cheek. Philip escorted Hanna, Corban and Leah, David and Myia, and Jacob and Erica. After another twenty minutes, Joel and Amber had a dance together. The music was Steven Curtis Chapman's Cinderella. He and his family were there, so he performed it. Then, we had our first dance, and we had Shaoannah Chapman singing a song from Lion King, Can You feel the Love tonight, and her brother, Caleb, sang with her. After the reception, we left for the airport, and everyone sent us off. Someone had written Just got Married on the car, and we left. We were headed for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Neither of us had been to the beach, so.... When we got there, we just sat on the porch of the cottage we rented, snuggling on the porch swing, watching the sunset. It was, in my mind, the perfect day. We talked about whatever, laughing about Kaia and Jude's antics, and we did something a little fancy. We grilled steak for dinner, and she made mashed potatoes and corn. After we ate, we headed to bed, and on a honeymoon, well.....

Author's note- Hello Craver Marshmallows! Happy New Year! You guys get a wedding! Hope you liked this! I've been to three weddings. One when I was five, one when I was ten, and one when I was twelve ish. I don't really remember them, so sorry if I got the ceremony wrong. Hope you like this chapter! Next one goes to a year later, and u get a sweet little surprise! *hint hint* ;p. love u guys!

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