
124 12 16

Mulan has become my favourite...

Story of the day:

So a week or so ago I was downstairs with my mom and sister.

We were wrapping presents.

We had maybe nine wrapped when my mom turned to me. She said, "Ugggg"

My sister and I told her to shut it XD (in the kindest way possible <3)

I passed Sav the scissors with an Indian battle cry.

Sav thought I was going to throw the scissors into her eye balls... Nah, I just wanted to make that sound XP

After some time we were getting slow and tired... It was half an hour till midnight...

My mothers stomach decided to take that moment to make the very loud call of its people.

After her stomach roared she look at us both and deadpaned, "Feed me like one of your French girls"
And she posed.

We all laughed for the longest time.

After that we ordered pizza and I ate a whole pasta and half the pizza by myself (~0-0)~

The end-


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

People I want to read this:
crazypup110 (hehe)
xXIsLoveRealXx (Heyo)
unicorn_cupcakes679 (hola)



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