Good morning~

39 4 6

XD DX so tired

And I've got a math test today...


In other news

My favourite teacher... Forgot I was in class yesterday XD

It was hilarious, because he was handing out work sheets and completely forgot about my row.

So the girl behind me and I waved at the teacher until he gave us ours XD

That's never happened, I guess the teacher wasn't paying attention XD

Not that funny of a story, but I'm too lazy to talk about what happened in art (I made one of my friends laugh cry again ;^; {when she laughs really hard, her eyes water})


time to turn on the heat that mysteriously turned off in the night...

But lastly

I just had to comment on this because I laughed so hard

"Great fucking night"
Now, now you could've told me in pm about how I should've not posted.
But you did too.

Alls fair in love and war

In completely other news

I literally got nothing done in art class yesterday because of the strange events, so I've got to get that shit done.

And then I've got things to burn, like my old sketch book and a hat.


Because they were his.


I'll throw them in with the remains of Justin Barbie and Selener.

Anyway, I don't have to deal with hell tonight... Because of their working schedules... I'm so relieved... I don't think I can scream at my dad without stabbing him.


Me, myself, and I

I can probably semi handle this disaster until March...

Four more days of hell until the deadline and he'll realize it's not real...

I'm literally praying

If I can't keep fighting him... I'd rather not think about that.

But I'm staying strong for my mom and my little siblings...

Because if I don't, he takes it out on them.

I'd rather go threw hell, then see them suffer.


On a happier note~

My two exs, that were in my art class? Yeah, them.

We're all friends now...


I don't exactly want them or anyone to come near me right now...

With the exception of my Bebe :*

But besides that, I'm single now... (As you all already know)

I haven't been single for a long time :/

Let's see how this plays out...

Can't I just not go to school >.>
Nope because you ditched too much last semester

I actually did XD

To avoid everything that having a life entailed.

But I've gotten my life back... Since last week I've gotten my friends and some of my best friends back.

I'm piecing my life back together -3-

Well, my social life XD

Which I now have 0.0


I'm going to be WAAAY more active starting in March (four days{ish} from now)

I'm looking forward to it, I miss a lot of you guys :*

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