Oh oh oh oh oh oh

32 11 1

^^I love this song 😍

The other day, I saw my old best friends mom and step sister.

I didn't even flinch.

I'm so fucking proud of myself *^*

After everything that she did to me, ever lie and deceitful act of kindness...

Nothing, it doesn't even faze me anymore.

They look surprised to see me too, the mom and step sister.

Well kiddies, I survived :3

Take that, Mrs Smallbones.

I'll keep enjoying being better than your daughter -3-

Heh heh


Yesterday I missed the concert of one of my favourite bands, walk off the earth :3:

I'm still kinda sad about it xD

But Imma just curl up with BMTH :}


I'm still laughing about this xD

Here here, my mom-get this-

Told me to stop being so Emo CX

I was so flattered

Still am

Thanks mom :,

I try <3


The last kinda thing happened was... Hmm... I had ice cream last night x3

I'm still hyper x0 lmao

That's about it :3

Not the best post, but I had to celebrate being better than my old friend ^.^

Adios Wonderlanders

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