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Don't you get it?

No... You don't. No one does anyway. All they ask, is how.

How do you live like this? How do you understand? How do you live with yourself?

I have the answer, I don't. I'm never never good enough, I never smile, I'm never happy.

It's the same damn thing everyday. I wake up, I eat, I go to work, I "smile", I "laugh" with my co workers. Afterward, I go home, finish work that needs to be done, and go to bed.

The same.

I wake up. Please kill me.

I eat. I'm hideous.

I go to work. When will the work cease?

I smile and laugh with my co workers. They all hate me anyway.

I go home. Same old place.

I finish work. Great, more stress.

I go to bed. Maybe I won't wake up tomorrow.

I always do, because it's the same damn schedule. What if I did something different? Something has to be better than this fake robotic life. I've got it... I'll do it tomorrow.

I wake up. Finally.

I walk towards the back of my closet. I'll be free.

I pick up a gun. Here we go.

I walk to the bath tub and sit down. No mess here.

I place the gun in my mouth. No more repeats.

I hear shuffling. She's awake.

My wife screams. Goodbye, sweetheart.

I pull the trigger.


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