Fairy Tale

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Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess, her name was Ember. She lived a happy life in the kingdom of Corat. Her and her family resided in the castle, looking over their subjects with kindness and nothing but that.

Ember often stepped away from the castle to greet and chat with her subordinates. She had acquainted herself with the people in her kingdom, always greeting them with kind gestures, regardless of their class. One place in particular she would always visit, the blacksmith's. She really did fancy one of the workers.

Sadly, a virus had spread around. Her grandmother caught it.

On the day of her eighteenth birthday, her grandmother passed away. Ember was heartbroken, feeling like she had nothing left to do. She became reclusive afterward, the entire kingdom seemed dull from then on.

Her despair had reeled in unwanted attention, the goblins. They kidnapped her and fled on into the night, trapping her deep within the forest. Most would say it was impossible to even step a toe into that forest. There were man-eating animals, monsters, plants. It was full of dangerous and dark magic. She seemed as though she were to be trapped forever. She was their prisoner, with no escape.

The king and queen searched endlessly throughout the land, in desperate search of a hero to save their daughter. They had only wanted best for her, only to fall into the same pit she was in previously.

Alas, there were none. No hero proved noble or worthy enough. All the knights and princes who had arrived to save the princess were only participating for their best interest. They had only wanted the throne, the wealth, the power.

Meanwhile, Ember was forced to work as a slave, treated as if she were nothing more than a fly on your shoulder.

The kingdom fell into despair.

However, one fateful day, Knight Daniel strode into the castle, willing to cross the ends of the Earth to save the princess. All the knight asked was her hand in marriage, for it was that Daniel truly loved her. Daniel did not want power, fame, or wealth. Daniel only wished Ember's safety.

The king and queen agreed, thanking Daniel profusely.

The knight hopped onto the steed as dark as night and rode on, determined to save the princess.

Daniel drew Gladius, a gift given by the local blacksmith. The hero stepped foot into what was rumored to be immediate peril.

The knight valiantly fought their way through the forest, enduring the nasty creatures residing within.

Daniel reached the prison where the princess was being held. Ember's eyes light up in delight as she knew she would be granted freedom. The hero set her free from her chains and took her hand.

Ember had quickly recognized Daniel, the famous legendary hero as well as the blacksmith's partner in the town.

"Daniel, you have my full thanks for this. What ever can I do to repay you?"

"I would like to ask your hand in marriage." Daniel asked, dropping to one knee.

"Daniel! Of course!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her savior. The knight removed their helmet and smiled at the princess.

"Please, Ember, call me Daniella."

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