Bonus Chapter: The New Kids [Aiden]

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When I got to class a few minutes after the bell rang, Nick was already in his seat like always. 

"Mr. King you're late again." Mrs. Chester my history teacher said scolding me. 

I smiled and opened my mouth to pull some excuse out of my ass when she held up her hand, stopping me. 

"Save the excuses for someone who'll actually believe it Mr. King, now go take your seat." 

Yes ma' am," I said, mock saluting her, earning a glare from her. 

I laughed quietly before sitting in my seat next to Nick. 

"Wassup man, why are you so late?" He asked quietly so only I could hear. 

"Um, Jasmine kinda um... held me up." I said with a small smile, rubbing the back of my neck. 

Jasmine wasn't my girlfriend of course, but she was very useful when it came to those... urges. Actually she was my only constant fling, some people even thought we were even dating. Like I would ever settle for one girl... 

"You and Jasmine are getting pretty close, eh?" He said with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Dude, no. Why on Earth, would I ever just stick to one girl? That'd be incredibly boring." I said shaking my head at him for even suggesting that. And with Jasmine of all people. She's slept through like half the football and basketball teams. 

"Whatever man, you'll meet that girl one day." He said with a smirk. 

"Anyways, onto something more important." I said quickly changing topics. 

Talking about settling down and finding that 'one girl' made me nervous and uncomfortable. I mean why should I be thinking about that stuff anyways? I'm only seventeen for christ sake! I just want to have fun and live and be a teenager! Falling in love can wait in my opinion. But maybe thats just me. 

"What are you talking about?" Nick asked, pulling me from my thoughts. 

"I hear we have some new kids, and judging by the kick ass cars in the parking lot, especially that beautiful corvette stingray, which isn't even on the market yet, I'd say it's true. Have you seen any of them yet?" I asked Nick, I didn't know we could get new kids when the school year already started.

"Oh yeah, we have a couple of new kids, they're related. They're my neighbors actually. As for the car, it belongs to their little sister." 

"Wait, hold up, a chick owns that car?" I asked in disbelief.  

Nick nodded. 

"Is she hot?"  

"Unbelievably, and let me tell you, her body is amazing." 

At that I cocked an eyebrow, indicating for him to explain. 

"This morning my parents made me and Em go with them to their house to welcome them to the neighborhood, I guess," He paused in his story and looked at me to make sure I was listening, so I nodded for him to continue. "When we get there, her parents start giving us a tour of their house. So we go upstairs and pass a door with music playing ont the other side and someone doing some kick ass singing to Paramore. Em asked who that was and her brothers told us that it was their little sister. So they open the door and we see her in her underwear, which was sexy as hell, playing along with the lead guitarist of Paramore on a kick a- " 

"Wait! You saw her in her underwear?" I emphasized, my mouth hanging open. 

"Yeah, and let me tell you, even though they were boyshorts, she's got a very cute ass." He said with a smirk. 

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