Chapter Four: So Be It

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            I could just feel the two buffoons staring at me. And it was seriously starting to piss me off. I mean it’s not like there is something stamped on my forehead that says ‘Hey douche bags! Look at me!’ because I looked in the mirror this morning and there sure as hell wasn’t a sign there.

            “You do realize that staring is rude right? Because I’m pretty sure your parents taught you that.” I said, without taking my eyes off of Mrs. Chester.

            “Uh, er w- we weren’t s- staring. Psh, no way, we wouldn’t be staring at you…” they both mumbled at the same time, weird, before finally looking away.

            Why am I always stuck with the weirdo’s?!

            “Idiots,” I muttered, shaking my head. “You know, for captain of the football team, you sure are a weirdo, you too Nicky.” I added, so he didn’t think I was excluding him.

            Like parents tell their kids, it’s not polite to exclude.

            I heard a choking noise come from beside me. I turned to see Aiden choking on his gum, I think, or his saliva. Whichever of the two, he was choking on it. While his best friend Nick was turning blue from trying not to laugh out right in his face; completely ignoring the fact that I called him a weirdo as well.


However, the sight all together was kinda hilarious. Nick wasn’t even trying to help his choking friend. Aiden could have been dying for all he cared, and I bet he still would have been laughing at him.

“Mister King, are you alright?”Mrs. Chester asked, like the concerned teacher she was. Yeah right.

“Yeah…I’m…Fine.” He managed to mutter after catching his breath.

            “If you say so mister King…” She trailed off, giving him a weird look as if say ‘he’s such a weirdo’, before turning back to whiteboard and writing something about the topic we were discussing.

            “Dude you suck,” Aiden said to Nick, who was still trying to contain his laughter so he wouldn’t get in trouble by the teacher and his best friend. “I’m over here practically dying and you’re laughing at me. What kind of best friend are you?”

            He was so over dramatic. It wasn’t that serious, if he did pass out or something, I’m sure one of these over paid teachers or over dressed students know CPR. 

            I do too, but I don’t know if I would give it to him…. Just kidding.

            “You’re so overdramatic, you drama queen.” I mutter shaking my head at him.

            “And you!” He turned to me, glaring.

            Uh- ohI think I’m in trouble.

            Guess I hit a nerve or something. Whoops.

            “Me?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

            “For a new girl, that doesn’t know anybody, you’re such a- a…” He trailed off, I guess trying to find a name to call me.

            “I’m a- a- a what?” I asked, mocking him as I leaning back in my seat, cocking an eyebrow at him once again.

            So far today turned out to be a good day…. Well for me anyways.

            Mister ‘I’m – captain – of –the – football – team’ glared at me some more before a triumphant smirk made its way onto his face.

            Did he finally come up with something? Because I just died and came back. I thought sarcastically.

            “And for a new girl, you’re a bitch.”

            Seriously! Was that all he could come up with?! I thought he was going to actually have a smart come back. Sheesh, I’ve heard better come backs from ten year olds! And he’s captain of a football team, you have got to be kidding me…

            As I sat in my seat, I noticed that mister I’m ‘Captain – of – the – football – team’ was practically trying to kill me with his eyes with how hard he was glaring at me.

            Sheesh, if looks could kill, I’d most likely be twenty feet under by now.

            But Nick on the other hand was turning purple.


            I cocked an eyebrow, expecting them to explain why they looked like that; until it finally hit me. I just might’ve said that out loud.

            “I said that out loud didn’t I?” I asked cautiously.

            Nick, who was still trying to hold in his laugh, nodded; while the other kept staring at me… well more like glaring at me.

            “Ohh… Whoops.”  I said, trying to cover up my snickers.

            “Like I said before, you’re a bitch.” He repeated keeping his glare in place.

            He’s such a big baby. Who knew football captains could be so sensitive.

            “And why is that, because I didn’t fall for you ‘manly charm’?” I said putting quotation marks around ‘manly charm’. “Or is it because I shot you and your friend down? Or maybe it’s because I didn’t fawn over the fact that you’re a football captain and let you get in my pants? Or maybe because I just bruised your Texas sized ego?”

            He was quiet as I said all this, along with Nick, who was stunned into silence.

            “Well, if that makes me, the new girl, a bitch then, so be it. I can deal with it. Just know that I won’t take anyone’s shit. “

            A few seconds later, the bell rang signaling the end of class.

            Well that was quick.

            I grabbed my bag and packed my notebook and pen inside before slinging it over my shoulder and following the rest of the kids out of the class, leaving behind a shocked and stunned Nick and Aiden.

            “Oh,” I said stopping short and turning to face the two. “They say a person with a big ego has a small penis.” I said smiling while holding my index finger and thumb an inch or two apart to emphasize my point. 

            Mister ‘captain – of – the – football – teams’ jaw was practically kissing the floor, while Nick started laughing his ass off. He was laughing so hard, he even fell off his chair.

            “Oh, you might want to pick up your jaw, you might catch something. Later!” I shouted over my shoulder as I walked out of the now empty classroom. Leaving behind a laughing Nick and a pissed off captain.


So there is the new chapter.

I know the people reading this are kinda pissed because i took so long, and for that I'm really sorry. But i have a lot of pressure on me to pick a college major and a college and stuff and im not even a senior yet. 

But enough of my commentary. Tell me what you think.

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