Chapter Nine: Evil Teachers and Spidey Senses

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I swear I was just mere seconds away from repeatedly bashing myself in the face with this stupid Spanish  textbook. Actually, that was probably the only thing this stupid textbook was good for considering that almost everything inside, I knew already from experience in a real Spanish country. Speaking of Spanish, I miss our cozy Spanish cottage in Valencia Spain, by the beach and the warm weather. It's truly a beautiful place; at night when you can see all the stars and it was full of nice people. I think everyone should visit there at least once in their lives.   

            Sighing heavily, I glanced at the clock on the wall and almost, almost followed through with my plan to bash my face in with my Spanish textbook when I saw that only 30 minutes had passed since the beginning of class. I had fifteen minutes left in this class, give or take a few minutes, meaning, fifteen grueling minutes of torture by stupidity.

            That's just perfect; not.

            "Oh dear God, someone please help me." I muttered before dropping my head onto my desk... Yeah, that was not such a good idea.

            "Ouch..." I mumbled, rubbing my forehead, gently, in the area where there will most likely have a bruise on it later.

            That's just wonderful...

            "Now, is everyone done with what is on the board?"

            A chorus of 'no's' rang out through the classroom, and I just wanted to pummel them all. Seriously?! It did not take that long to translate what was on the board! I swear I'm in a class full of morons!

            "Uh, señor Fuentes?"

            "Se Kat?" He replied in his heavy Spanish accent.

            Where is he from? Columbia? Spain? or maybe Venezuela?

            "I'm actually finished, I finished a long time ago."

            "Oh, well then go to the board and show us your translations, if you don't mind." He said, taking a seat at the edge of his desk in front of the board.

            Sometimes I swear me and my big mouth are too dangerous for my own good. Because right about now, I felt like face palming. Through my face!

            "All of them?" I squawked.

            And being the evil masochist that I was seeing Senor Fuentes for, he nodded that fat head of his.

"Do you really want me to go all the way up there and do all the translations? I mean that's not fair to the other students who I'm sure -..."  

            "Yes, I'm sure, now stop wasting time and go." Señor Fuentes snapped, cutting me off, rudely might I add.

             My nose wrinkled in distaste at his tone. "Sheesh, someone sure is pushy." I mutter as I get up and walk to the board, slowly, just to piss him off even more.

            "Please, any slower Miss Pierce." He said annoyed.

            Mission accomplished. I thought, until I realized that he called me Miss Pierce.

            I turned and glared at him, as he waved his hand for me to hurry up.

            I was quickly beginning to see that Señor Fuentes wasn't as nice as he came off to be. In fact he was an asshole in my opinion. Rolling my eyes, I walked a little faster, just to give him a piece of mind. And when I finally reached the board, I only filled in three of the missing translations out of the thirty or so - give or take one or two- that were on the board before walking back to my seat and staring at the clock.

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