Chapter 3

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All the passengers on my flight boarded thier plane after we got our luggage checked. The plane ride took about 3 hours, so I calmed myself down and listened to music for the ride. I sat next to a very nice man who willingly shared the arm rests with me.

After the ride, I took a cab to a hotel and checked in. My room was on the top floor, and the hotel was right on the beach. I had a beautiful view, I could see out over the ocean.

My phone vibrated with a text from Austin. It read, "Missing you already, love you!" I smiled, I knew if anybody supported me through this and anything else I chose to do, it was him. I threw my phone on the bed and started to unpack, realizing my blind audition was in 2 days.

I put away all my dresses into the closet, and all my shirts and pants into a drawer. My makeup bag was neatly placed in the bathroom. I left everything else in the suitcase. I decided to call Austin.

One ring.


Two rings.


He picked up on the third ring. "Baby!" he practically shouted into my ear.

I laughed. "Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"How am I? How are you? You're the one in LA!" he answered.

"I'm fine, it's beautiful here. But I'm nervous. Austin, I'm only 15, how can I win this?" I asked, nervousness able to be heard in my voice.

"I don't care if you're 15 or 50, your voice is perfect and you deserve to be heard. It's about your voice right? So don't get worked up that you're younger than some other competitors." he said, sternly.

"Okay, I guess you're right. I'm gonna go to bed, and then tomorrow I'm going to see the studios. I'll talk to you when I can! How's your Youtube videos going?" I said, more excited than I expected.

"Good." he answered, "I've been getting a lot more fans recently, I hope I'll become a famous singer with you!"

I laughed, though I hoped with everything I had that would happen.

"Me too! Well I've got to go, love you!" I cheered into the phone.

"Love you too." he said, and I hung up.

I had less than 48 hours until the world heard my name, and all I could think about was Austin. I fell back onto the bed, and the nervous feeling went away just thinking about him. Maybe I had think about him more often, since I've never sung in front of anyone before.

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