Chapter 12

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I went to my meeting with Universal right on time. We sat at one of the head of the company's desks and talked about my label. I was excited as I could have ever been, even though I had to maintain a professional persona.

"Well Austin, you're good, we all know that. But you have to be willing to practically-" the man stopped, gesturing his hands while trying to think of what he meant to say, "start over." he finished.

My eyes widened, not knowing how to take what he had just said, "Start over, what do you mean?"

"Well, right now your image is a YouTube singer. We have to work to change that image to a celebrity. You're going to have to know that you'll be opening for someone else at their concerts." another one of the men said.

"Oh, okay. I'm fine with that." I answered, starting to understand.

"Now Austin, this is no joke. You'll have to stay on a tight schedule for us to get you up and running." the third and final head said.

"I understand." I nodded quickly, changing the direction I was looking to be able to see the man who had just talked.

The man sitting at the desk opened a drawer, and got out a rather thick stack of papers. He turned them to face me, and slid them slowly to the front of his desk.

"This is your contract, read it and hand it to us by the time you leave if you'd like the record label." he said. There was no messing around here, everyone really wanted to get things done. I skimmed a few lines and signed each page as fast as I could, eager that I was getting closer to finding Sophia.

"You sure you don't wanna read it Austin?" the first man questioned me. I stood up, and walked to the door in responce to his question.

"9 o'clock sharp tomorrow, you hear me?" the third man called.

I nodded, and walked out the door, finally signed and ready to meet Sophia again.

Just A Fan » Austin MahoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora