Chapter 14

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The next day at the studio was all about recording my new single "Say Somethin'." I was in the studio for hours while they set up mics and recorded me singing the song that they had written the rest of over night. We did clip by clip and then a full run through and compared the two. The full run through was the best, so we kept that and then the one track CD went into editing.

I sat down in with the editors of my CD and watched, listening to them edit it. They didn't change much, but they added a bit of auto tuned things, which I understand. Everyone needs a little auto tune.

The playback sounded great, I smiled at how well this contract was going. The people were kind to me and I was doing so much so fast. I already had a single, now it just had to be put out there, which would probably happen within the next week.

The woman, whose name I learned as Audrey, lead me to the room with the 3 men. I knew one of the men as Marcus, but the rest still remained unnamed to me. It's strange that they hadn't told me their names right when I walked in the first day.

I sat down in one of the chairs in front of the big desk just like days before, and Marcus began to talk. I realized then Marcus was the one with the beard.

"So right now we're planning for your first tour with someone. You'd be the opener for a bigger singer, and thats how people would get to know you. So we're giving you the option of who to go with." he said.

My face must have lit up like a lightbulb as I said, "Could I go on tour with Sophia Harris?"

He shook his head and the excitement drained out of me.

"You're going to have to pick someone partially pop. Whoever you pick, I have to get in contact with. If they can't add someone to their tour, then you'll pick another." he answered as he watched me slump.

"How about Taylor Swift?" I asked. Taylor Swift was a bit country and a bit pop. She was gorgeous too, so somehow I felt like being put with her would make my chance of meeting Sophia again more possible.

"Let me get a hold of her manager quickly." he said, picking up the phone to start his calls.

I stepped outside of the room while he talked on the phone for about 5 minutes. Audrey called me back in, and I sat back down.

"Taylor's manager would love you have you for her 'Red' tour, beginning in March. That gives us five months to get you prepared and famous." he winked at me, and I smiled back.

Touring with Taylor Swift would be a big step in the right direction. The direction of meeting Sophia.

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