The Date and the Lock-In

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"I have some news." Harry smirked as he walked into the room. The four of us - Liam, Zayn, Niall and I turned to face him with a confused expression on our faces. Harry generally wasn't one that had news - and if he did, it wasn't good. "So a certain someone told me a certain something last night." He smirked once again. Oh God. He's talking about me. I specifically told that little shit before I went to bed last night that I would tell the others. Apparently it just went in one ear and out the other.

"Well are you going to get on with it Harold? Or are you going to leave us all guessing?" Niall asked, rather moody. I hated when Niall was sad. Everyone hated when Niall was sad. He was just a fragile being when it came to sadness. He reclined back in his chair, popping some crisps into his mouth.

"Ok here it goes..."

"Alright fine!" I jumped up. Everyone then turned their attention to me. I threw my hands up in the air, blocking the telly to Zayn's dismay.

"Move!" He shouted. Geez. No one was in a good mood this morning.

"Karina and I are back together!" I shouted. ''Are you happy Harold? I told everyone before you would." They all just stared at me in shock, Harry chuckling. "What's so funny."

"I wasn't talking about your little confession." He laughed, pulling out a carton of milk from the fridge. "It was about my Mum."

"Oh." I replied rather stupidly. I sat back down on the couch, ignoring the laughter from the others. "Continue on."

"No, wait a second Harry." Liam started. He turned his attention towards me, as did the others. "What's this about you two getting back together?" I started to explain and told them what I had told Harry the night before. They all were pretty happy for me. I suddenly remembered that elderly man from the plane about a year ago. He told me she would come back and she did. Wow. I guess old people do know everything. Either that or he's some sort of wizard. After we were finished talking about my mended relationship, we asked Harry what he had to say about his mum.

"She's getting married to Robin!" He exclaimed happily. Good for Anne, I thought. Looks like everyone is getting something good coming to them. All the boys cheered and we all called to congratulate her. After all the wedding hype was over, we all sat uncomfortably on the couch. We really needed new ones. We really need new everything. I took in the whole room. It was a disaster. The question is how? We've been staying at Uncle Simon's for a whole month instead of here - so it makes no sense. Unless the maids decided to give up while we were gone...probably.

"Are any of you free tonight?" I asked suddenly. Heads turned towards me questioningly.

"No." Liam started. "I've got my first date with Angie.'' He smiled all the while. Aw Liam. What?

"Nope." Niall said casually. "I've got a date with wallowing in self pity." When he said the last few words they were. I figured if we just lock Ary and Niall in a room together, they would probably figure things out. Maybe we should Antonio in as well. Eh. Better not. We don't need Niall getting arrested for murder. Note to self: Lock Niall and Ary in a room together.

"I'm free." Harry replied, typing away on his phone. He's probably on Twitter tweeting some random shit.

"So am I." Zayn mumbled, eyes never leaving the telly. "Perrie's busy doing stuff with the girls today."

"Great!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together. "I need you guys to do me a really huge favor."

"That depends on how big." They replied in unison, turning their attention towards me.

"I just need you to babysit Bella. That's all. NOTHING ELSE. Can you handle that?" Quite frankly I was scared of leaving my little girl with these two. Not that they weren't responsible or anything but...yeah.

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