Chapter 20

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Taylor's POV
I woke up and realized that I had no idea where I was. I saw Aaron get up but Nash was still knocked out. I can remember what happened just not where.
"Aaron, where are we?" I asked

"Remember? We went to the pink shop on the board walk to look for Katie. We think she was captured by her crazy mom." He responded.

"No Aaron it's Cathy not Katie."

"That's what I said, katie." So obviously we have minor concussions. We went over to Nash and shook him awake.

"Do you remember anything Nash?" We asked him

"Huh? Oh...uh...I don't think so."

"What's your name." Aaron asked


"When were you born." I asked


"Let's take him to the hospital. We all need to go." I said and Aaron nodded.
My phone started buzzing and I looked at it to see Jack Johnson wanting to face time. I answered it and saw him at Panera.

"Hey dude!" He said happily.

"Hey." I replied, not as happy though.

"Cameron found Cathy!" Cameron?? I thought, I was the one that was supposed to find her!!
Someone tapped on my shoulder and I quickly spun around.

"Uh...who's Cathy?" Aaron asked. I ignored him and went back to talking to Jack.

"What do you..." I was cut off. Jack had flipped the camera and I saw Cathy and Cameron kissing. KISSING. My heart fell. Carter said something and I didn't care. I was so mad at him! I had told Cameron that I liked her! And of course, being Cameron, he took her for himself!! Tears sprung to my eyes, I couldn't let them see me like this. I ended the face time call and dropped my phone.
I had a weird feeling for cam that I never, EVER thought I would have. It took my a while to figure this out but.......

I hated Cameron Dallas.

Matts POV
The news that Cathy was back was great. The news that Cam found her, not so great. No doubt about it she had a thing for him, not me. I don't deny that he's good looking. He's probably the best looking out of all of us. And the most famous. Asides from Nash.
Cam went off with Cathy and then Carter said he saw something. We all went over and saw them KISSING!? I didn't know what I would expect but kissing crossed the line. I walked away. Crying. Cathy pulled away and saw me walking away like a baby. Ohmigod. I just realized that tomorrow, we're going to be in a van, driving into the next state, for a whole day, together. That's not good. And nether will having to fake liking each other for the fans cause if I can tell you one thing, It's that I'm not that fond with Cameron Dallas. And I never really was. And taking my girl, well he just made me dislike him even more.
And this time, it's not my fault.

Shawns POV
Cathys back!!!!! Yay! But I had soup and my soup was good. I mean it was from Panera. So of course it was good. A few minutes after Cathy and cam came back, Cam got up, whispered something to Cathy and she followed. Then Carter said he found something. Everybody went up to see and I didn't really care as much.
I had soup.

Cathys POV
When we went to Panera I put on my happy face. I was naturally good at this. I guess it was because when ever my mom forced me to "hang out" with one of her boyfriends, I had to put on a happy face and pretend I was having the best time ever. The only good thing that came it of it is that the boyfriends turned out to like me, a lot better than my mom.

Cam and I sat down and I "took off" my happy face. Cameron noticed and pulled me aside and asked what was wrong.

"Hey you don't look to well. Are you okay?" He asked.

"No. Well, yes. No. Maybe...I don't know." I said and hugged him.

He pulled away and lifted my cheek,"what happened?"

"My mom called from jail." I started. He looked at me with disbelief.


"Let me finish. So you know how you get like one call or something to have someone bail you out? Well she called me."

"Cathy...." I couldn't help it. I started to cry.

"I don't know what to do anymore. If I try and bail her out I might be putting myself in danger but if I don't I'll never forgive myself."

"You're gonna be okay. I'll help you make the decision. I promise."

"Thank you Cameron." I said and again, we kissed. I heard weird whispering and ignored it. Then, we pulled away just as Carter said

"Dammmm. Are you guys a thing or what?"
I saw Matt walk away and instantly felt bad. But I know shouldn't. But I still did.
I saw Jacks J's face time with Taylor end. Uh oh. We have some explaining to do.

"Bruh. Seriously, what's up with you two?" Carter asked again. Cameron and I exchanged glances.

"Let's go to the beach." I offered.

I'm just on a role with updates!!!!!!!
I haven't put in a Shawn POV in a while so I thought I would throw one in for you.
Who's POV should I put in next?


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