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We laid down on the bed again. "I don't know if we should lay down the entire day-" I began, sitting up.

Dirk lay me back down. "For what you've been through, you're supposed to be in a hospital. But you don't wanna be stuck in a hospital for an entire week, do you?"

"I guess," I said, laying down again. We laid there, cuddling, every once in a while sneaking kisses. We would usually discuss things, like, "Why did you come so early? Weren't you at the store?" He explained that he had gotten home early because one of the people he was gonna go visit (puppet business) wasn't home.

"Good thing I did, too," he said, stroking my hair. I snuggled into his chest. All of a sudden, a thought popped into my head, and I popped up and got off the bed.

"Jake. J-Jake," I mumbled, running my hands through my hair. "Dirk. You're cheating on Jake. What are you doing? What am I doing? Oh god-"

"Dave," Dirk cut me off. "I broke up with Jake weeks ago."

I looked at Dirk incredulously. "And you didn't tell me?! God, I'm sorry..."

Dirk shrugged. "I broke up with him because he thought I didn't love him as much as he loved me," he said as I started to climb back into his arms. "He was right."

"H- Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it would matter to you," he said, hugging me. "It shouldn't have mattered to you. It should have mattered more to me. I didn't think much about it afterwards."

"But Jake..." I trailed off.

Popular to contrary belief, even though he was dating the person that I loved, Jake was pretty cool. Every time he came over, he'd ask me about the beats I made on my turntables in his weird accent of his. Pretty cool.

"Shh. Just shut up and sleep. I'm tired."

"I legitimately just woke up what are you-"

"Shh. Shut up."

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