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Author's note: bam two updates in a week

Dave kicked and screamed as Bro lifted him off the ground and sat him at the kitchen table. He tried to stand up and just leave, but Bro took his shades off and shot him a glare, his glowing eyes piercing daggers into him. So Dave stayed still, sobbing and hiccuping.

Bro slid a plate across the table in front of him. He had prepared a simple sandwich, which taunted Dave's stomach, growling with piercing hunger pains. "What are you trying to do?" Dave asked between sobs, looking at Bro with desperation.

"I'm watching to see what you'll do," he said simply. Dave pushed the plate away in frustration. "Well it already seems like you know well enough what I'm going to do, don't you?" He glared back in defiance.

Bro walked over and stood in front of him, pushing the plate back. "I don't understand it. Why do you not eat? You're already tiny, it's not like there's much fat left on your bones to lose-" Dave interrupted him. "Oh my god just shut up!" He yelled. He grabbed the sandwich and shoved a mouthful of it in his mouth. "There. Does that make you happy?" He asked, waving the sandwich around. "It's not like I would expect you to understand, but I'd like to think it goes deeper than just what you call 'not eating'. It's not something I started on purpose, you dumbass." Crumbs fell out of his mouth as he talked. He threw the sandwich back onto the plate, standing up and walking back to his room. Bro was left staring at the sandwich on the plate with only one bite out of it.

That evening, Dave got several notifications from his computer from messages he had been ignoring since the events of the past few weeks. If this is John or Rose I'm not going to read them. He scrolled past all their unread messages until he reached the top one, or the most recent notification. Lo and behold, it was John and Rose.

Open Memo

CURRENT ectoBiologist (EB) RIGHT NOW opened memo on board "where the hell is dave."

Participants: ectoBiologist and tentacleTherapist

EB: so i've opened this little memo to ask the question: where the hell is dave?
EB: never wanted it to come to this but here we are
TT: It is very right of you to be concerned, John. Dave, if the stars have paralleled and it is by some miracle you are reading this, please know we have been trying to contact you for weeks-

Dave stopped reading. He turned his computer back to sleep mode, the familiar little red disk bouncing around the black screen, and crawled back into bed. He fell into a dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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