Yukkiteru Amano-Worth

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Yukkiteru Amano x Reader!

Animu: Mirai Nikki


You were lucky enough to exist in the Third World, where chaos doesn't exist... yet. 

Unlike the previous worlds, the third was rather peaceful, and no one held hatred for anything. And the memories of their past lives were erased completely.

"M-me? W-Wait a second- Amano-san..." You froze completely. You thought that it was impossible. You can never appreciate anything more than this.

"It's true, (y/n)... I do have feelings for you."

"Well, um... Thank you... I-I don't know what to say..."

You were so flustered on the inside... very flustered...

What do I do?! I'm not sure if I could return his feelings back! It's not that I hate him but how do I say that I only like hin as a friend without disappointing him? H-how?!! Arghh!!! Damn it, mind! I don't want to hurt him!

"I-I like you too."

"Really?! Wahh!!! I'm so glad!" He flashes a childlike smile.

Thank god... you sigh internally. How relieving.

"Aww, you look so cute!" You manahed to blurt out.

He pauses and looks away in embarassment, "... says the one who is actually the cute one." he mutters.

"I heard that." you giggle.

"Well, this seems really awkward for both of us.."

"Y-yeah." you agree.

"Wanna buy some waffles around the corner?" he asks gentlemanly.

"Sure, but I'll pay for my own." You sigh again as you looked for your wallet in your bag.

"You don't have too, its on me."

"But wouldn't that be rude?"

"C'mon it'll make me really happy!"

"What's so happy about losing your own money?" you ask, changing your gazes.

"It's worth to see you smile."

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