|On the 3rd Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 3 Old Friends|

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|On the 3rd Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 3 Old Friends|


"Louis!" Niall shouts when Louis opens the door. Louis smiles at his childhood best friends, Niall, Zayn and Stan. It's been a long time since he's seen them, they manage to stay in touch, but this is the first time in a few months that he's seen them in person. Louis is very happy to see them.

"Lads." He greets, giving each of them a hug. He takes them to the kitchen and they settle in at the table for a long overdue catch up.

"How have you been?" Zayn asks. Louis tells them about uni and Liam and how he's actually been enjoying school. He's in the middle of telling them how he almost set his room on fire because Liam told him to watch over dinner when he hears Harry's voice.

"Hey Lou, I was just wondering-" He stops talking when he sees Louis has guests. "Oh hello." He gives them a shy smile and a wave. The boys wave back.

"What was it you wanted to know Harry?" Louis asks, turning so he can give his full attention to Harry.

"I was just wondering what plans we had for today, but I can see you're busy. I'll just come back later." He gives one last shy smile, before he's disappearing back up the stairs. Louis looks back at the lads who are all giving him knowing smiles.

"Who was that Louis?" Stan asks, eyebrows wiggling suggestively. Louis rolls his eyes because his friends are so immature. He wonders if he should tell them the truth, but then thinks better of it. What they don't know won't kill them.

"That was Harry... my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend?!? How come you didn't tell us about him?" Niall questions hurt that one of his best friends didn't tell him he was dating.

"It's a new relationship and I wasn't sure how serious we were going to get, so I never mentioned him." Louis explains.

"Well it must be pretty serious if he's already meeting the family, especially during the holidays." Zayn notes.

"Yeah well my mum was on about me bringing someone home and I decided to ask Harry how he felt on the matter. He agreed, now we're here." It's not far from the truth and it makes Louis want to laugh. The boys give him curious glances but smile nonetheless.

"Well it's great that you finally found someone." Stan declares. "We actually came over here to take you out to lunch as an early birthday celebration, and then maybe hit the park to play a few rounds. How about you bring Harry along?"

"Yeah that'd be great, perfect opportunity to get to know the lad." Niall exclaims.

"I'd love to meet the boyfriend properly." Zayn interjects. At this point Louis really can't say no, so he nods.

"Great now go get ready and we'll meet you in the car." Louis nods again, heading upstairs to tell Harry.

He finds Harry on his phone, probably playing some game. Harry look up when he hears Louis enter.

"Did they leave?"

"No they actually wanted to take me to lunch. They wanted to know if you wanted to come along."

"Oh, well I mean seeing as I am your boyfriend it only makes sense that I'd go. So sure, I'll get ready." Louis lets Harry dress in the room while he takes the bathroom. When he's done changing, he takes a moment to look at himself in the mirror.

'This better go well.' He leaves the bathroom, knocking on his bedroom door to see if Harry's ready. Harry steps out dressed up in warm clothing ready to go. Louis grabs his own coat and leads them down stairs. Just before they walk out, Louis stops Harry.

Merry Christmas Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now