|On the 11th Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 11 Family Meetings|

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|On the 11th Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 11 Family Meetings|


It's the day of the party and the Tomlinsons are running around making sure everything is ready for the party. Mark is working on the lights outside again. Lottie and Fizzy are busy dressing themselves in cute shirts and doing each other's hair. Phoebe and Daisy are running about in the kitchen, trying to help their mum and Harry while they bake sweets. Harry laughs and lets them frost cookies, Louis' mum just watching amused.

Louis sets up snacks in the lounge. He wonders how the party is going to turn out this year. Usually Louis' is pretty bored at these parties not really having anyone to talk to. These are also usually the parties in which his mother tries to set him up with someone. Luckily for him, he has Harry this year.

Speaking of Harry, he's walking into the lounge.

"Hey Lou, your mum wants to know if you need any more crisps?" Louis looks at the wide variety and shakes his head.

"I think we're good." Harry is then moving in on Louis, wrapping him up in his arms and kissing his temple.

"You're birthday is tomorrow, aren't you excited?" Louis usually isn't but considering he's going to spend this birthday with him, he's pretty excited. He wonders what they'll do. Maybe he can get Harry to go ice skating with him or they could visit another café. Maybe they could just stay in bed all day with snuggles and kisses. Louis thinks he likes that option the best.

But before any of this can happen he has to ask Harry to officially be his boyfriend. He's been thinking a lot about it and he's decided that Harry has become a pretty big part of his life in these past couple of days. He really wants Harry to be there for all the Christmases to come. So he's finally made his decision. He's going to ask Harry to be his and he's going to do it tonight.

"I am pretty excited. I get to spend my birthday with you." He knows Harry is blushing and it makes him smile wider.

"Well I have a surprise for you?" Louis pulls back at that, excitement in his eyes.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Something special. I'll give it to you tonight I promise." Louis pouts.

"You suck, you got me all excited and now you're making me wait." He tries to act mad, but when Harry is wrapping himself around him, he can't help the faint smile.

"I'm sowwy." Harry apologizes, voice of all childlike. "I pwomise it'll be a good suwpwise." Louis huffs but let's Harry cuddle him some more. What he doesn't know is Harry is planning on giving him his birthday present tonight at midnight. He's also hoping to ask a very important question...

The party is jamming, everybody chatting and laughing. The music is joyful and everyone feels the Christmas spirit. Louis has been a great mood because of it. He's been at Harry side, talking with a lot of friends and family. Everyone loves Harry and Louis that makes Louis even more confident in his decision. He can't wait to get Harry alone.

He's just about to talk to one of his uncle when he hears the doorbell ring. He thought everyone was already here. He goes to open the door and is surprised when he sees someone he doesn't know.

"And you are?" He questions. The guy at the door gives a sly smile moving in a little too close for comfort.

"'m Nick and you must be Louis." He gives him a pat on the back and then looks behind Louis catching someone in the crowd. "Mrs. Tomlinson, so nice to see you again." Louis turns around to see his mother giving him a sympathetic smile. Who is this guy?

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