|On the 8th Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 8 Winter Plays|

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|On the 8th Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 8 Winter Plays|


The Tomlinson gang is gathered at an elementary school auditorium. It's the day pf Phoebe and Daisy's winter play. They will be acting as two of the Whos in the schools rendition of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Louis and Harry sit next to each other as they gaze up at the stage. It's currently empty as everyone is getting ready. Louis is excited to see his little sisters act. Harry is just happy to be spending time with Louis as always.

Harry has started to wonder more about these feelings he has. His heart has started to beat faster every time he sees Louis. He finds himself getting lost in Louis sometimes, staring too hard at his beautiful face or curvy body. He's just so adorable that Harry doesn't know what to do with himself.

He's thought about asking Louis to be his real boyfriend, but he's not sure if that's pushing boundaries. He knows that Louis likes him, but he's not sure in what way. He's been trying to figure out by reading Louis body language. He notices the way Louis has started to cling to his side whenever they go anywhere. Or how he puts his arm around him when they're resting on the couch. Then there was the time Louis kissed his cheek one morning without any explanation.

He's also noticed how Louis snuggles up to him when they share the bed now. Before Louis would sleep on the floor, letting Harry have the bed, but after the kiss they shared, Louis told Harry that they might as well share a bed too. Harry of course doesn't mind, he loves being close to Louis.

He takes all this information into consideration and decides that yeah there's a possibility that Louis likes him that way. And he really wants to do something about it, but he's not sure what.

"Something on your mind Harry?" Jay asks from beside him. Harry looks over at her concerned face and shakes his head no. Luckily Louis is busy talking to Fizzy so he's not paying attention to him.

"I was just thinking about the relationship I have with Louis. It's been really good." He says truthfully.

"Oh well that's great to hear dear. I'm honestly so glad he's found someone. I was worried he'd never find the right guy."

"Why is that? The reason for being so worried?" He inquires. He's always wondered why it is that Jay really wants Louis to settle down.

"Well Louis is a wonderful boy and I understand that he wanted to wait and find his own suitor, but I was just so worried that time would fly by and he'd pass by people who could have potentially made him very happy. I don't want my son to live alone and I was always scared that if I didn't find him someone, he'd never do it on his own." Jay says looking over at her son briefly. "But it looks like he did find someone, and that someone is you. You make my son happy and that's all a mother can ask for. Thank you Harry, thank you for loving my son." She seems like she's on the verge of tears and Harry just can't believe all that he's heard.

"Well thank you for letting me."

That's the end of their conversation because at that very moment the dean steps on stage announcing how the kids have been very excited to put on this play. She mentions the name of all the teachers involved and then she calls the narrator in for the play to begin. The narrator is a young boy with a lopsided smile and unruly hair. Harry is already endeared and he has yet to speak. When he does speak, it's all confidence and Harry knows he's going to enjoy this play very much.

And he's right he loves every moment of it, even the little bumps in the road they had when one child forgot their line or a prop was missing. It went well and Harry can't wait to congratulate Phoebe and Daisy on their participation.

"You girls did wonderful." Harry says when they go see them backstage.

"Thank you Harry. We wanted to do a really good job because you guys were going to be watching."

"Well you sure did a great job. What do you say we celebrate? Dinner on me." Harry suggests.

"Oh no Harry, now that's not necessary-" But Harry is already cutting Jay off.

"I'd love to treat the girls. They deserved." He gives Jay his best puppy dog look and she gives uo, telling him that it's fine. The girls squeal and head toward the car, ready to go.

"You honestly didn't have to do this Harry." Louis whispers as they walk to the car.

"I already said I wanted to, didn't I? I want to spoil them a bit, they deserve a treat." He doesn't mention how he's also doing this because he really wants to treat Louis as well. Louis just sighs, clinging to Harry as they continue walking. And there are those butterflies again.

The gang arrives at a local diner, already knowing what they want to eat having been there so many times. Louis tells Harry he needs to have the chicken pot pie because it is the best thing on the menu and who's Harry to deny him. He lets Louis order for him and watches as the usual chatter starts up between the family. He honestly can't get enough of the beautiful chaos. He tries to listen in on Lottie's story about her best friend recently finding about some guy who has a crush on her, but then he's also trying to key in on the excited chatter from the twins on the play. He thinks he hear Jay mention something about the guest list for the holiday party. His hearing is going from left to right, but it focuses solely on Louis voice when he whispers in his ear.

"Thank you for everything Harry." Before he's planting a soft kiss to Harry's cheek. Harry's smile is so big that he wonders if he looks like the Grinch when his heart grew two times its size.

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