|On the 12th Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 12 Days of Love|

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|On the 12th Day of Christmas Santa Gave to Me... 12 Days of Love|


Louis hasn't gotten out of his bed. Everyone noticed Harry's disappearance and all Louis could tell them was that he had a family emergency. They all thought Louis' was worried for Harry's family when in reality he was upset that Harry left at all. And to make matter worse he left with Nick. He despised that guy and he'd only known him for about ten minutes.

Louis' hates how this ended up. He was hoping last night would be the night he told Harry, but it seems Harry had other plans. How could Louis stand a chance? Harry had obviously been acting the whole time he was with Louis. He seemed more genuine when he was talking to Nick. (Louis is telling himself because he doesn't want to get hurt. He doesn't want to think Harry actually had feelings for him. It'd make everything worse.)

He sits holed up in his room only giving a weak hello to his mother when she walks in. She's worried for her son. She knows that this isn't just about some family emergency, there's something Louis' not telling her. So she decides to ask, in hopes that maybe talking it out will help Louis feel better.

"Hey sweetie. How are you?" Louis shrugs not wanting to talk. "Sweetie I know there's something going on that you're not telling me. What is it dear, what has you looking so down?" Louis sighs; he knew his mother would be the one to notice. He wants to ignore her, maybe she'd go away. But he knows that she'll just keep insisting so he decides to say something.

"I had a fight with Harry last night."

"Oh sweetie why?" Jay is quickly at her son's side. She pulls him into a hug which Louis graciously accepts. He needed this.

"I got jealous because he looked to be very cozy with Nick. I told him I didn't want to see him because every time I looked at him I could see Nick right there next to him. I told him to leave and he did, but that wasn't what I really wanted. I just said that to blow off steam. Now I really want to see him. I just want to apologize." He cries. His mother holds him through it, rubbing at his back soothingly.

"Oh Lou, he'll be back. He just wanted to give you some space. I'm sure he'll be back before you know it." Jay tried to soothe, but she couldn't really know if that was the truth. She hoped he would.

By dinner time, Harry had yet to come back. Louis was even more devastated. If Harry was coming back, he'd probably already be here. He huffs angrily. He feels frustrated now and he doesn't want to be in his room anymore. He pulls on a thick coat and boots. He's still in his pjs, but he could care less. He just needs to get out of the house.

"I'm going to get some fresh air." He says and then he's out the door. He walks aimlessly. He doesn't know where he wants to go, but maybe his feet will lead him somewhere nice. He walks for what seems like hours, but when he checks it's only been about one. He ends up at the park and he slumps on a bench too tired to do much more now.

Harry races down the road. Last night, he left Louis alone and that was his first mistake. His second mistake was not going back the next morning. He was just scared that Louis would hate him. That's the last thing he wanted.

After he left yesterday, Nick followed after him saying he could give him a ride if he'd like. Harry told him he didn't want one and went in search of a hotel. He needed somewhere to clear his mind. He found a small inn and rented a room for the night. He fell asleep cold and alone without his Lou there.

The next morning, today, he checked out and walked around. He found himself headed back to the Tomlinsons, but would instantly back track telling himself it wasn't the right time. He did that a few more times before he decided he needed an actual destination. He ended up going to the small café Louis had taken them on their first date. It brought back the memories of that night, and as happy yet painful as they were he stayed because he had nowhere else to go.

He had a small bag with him and in that bag was Louis present. After a lot of deliberation, he'd been struck by inspiration. He decided it was perfect when he made it, but now he's not so sure. Does Louis even care about him anymore? Does he want to see him? Harry knows he wants to see Louis.

When he finds that it's getting rather late, it's decided. He's going to go find Louis. On his walk there he wonders if he should still Louis his feelings. Louis could possible hate him, but he needs to know that Harry cared for him, still cares for him. He decides that yes he needs to tell Louis. He needs to tell Louis that he loves him. He stops at the thought. Oh. Wow. He loves Louis. He loves Louis that thought has him rushing now, determined to get to Louis as soon as possible.

Once he arrives, he knocks on the door harshly, hoping Louis will open the door. He pulls out the present too, ready to give it to him as soon as possible. Sadly it's only Jay, but he's still content to see her as well. When she catches sight of him, she brings him into her arms.

"Oh Harry I'm so glad you came back. Louis was devastated when you left."

"That was why I needed to come back. Is it alright if I see him?"

"Of course dear, but uh he's actually not here."

"What do you mean?" Where's Louis? Did he go out to look for him?

"He said he needed hour, left about an hour ago. Please Harry you should go find him, see if he's alright?" Harry nods, he needs to find Louis.

He visits a few of the places they had gone two over the course of the day he was here. He doesn't find him at the mall or the restaurant. He doesn't find him on the pretty street or the tree lot. He's close to giving up when he doesn't find him at the coffee chop, but then he sees him.

He's sitting on a bench at the park they had gone to with Louis' friends. He has his face hidden in his hands and he looks to be crying. Harry can't have that.

"Louis!" He calls. Louis looks up at the familiar voice and feels his heart skip a beat. Is this really happening? Is that really Harry rushing to him? He sits still as he watches Harry makes his way to him. When he stops in front of him he still can't believe it.

"Is it really you?" Louis whispers.

"It is. And I have a present here for one Louis Tomlinson." Louis jumps up at that, tackling Harry into a hug. The present goes flying, but he could care less about the present right now. What's important is that it's actually Harry in his arms. Harry stumbles a bit with Louis in his arms, but he's quick to gain his balance in order to hug Louis back

"Oh I missed you so much." Louis sobs, probably wetting Harry's coat.

"I missed you too Lou."

"It thought you weren't coming back."

"Oh Lou, I'd never miss your birthday." That makes Louis cry even harder. "I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday."

"No I'm sorry I over reacted I was just jealous because Nick had you all to himself. That should have been me with you. I got angry and I'm sorry." He cries and Harry just holds him tighter.

"Well I shouldn't have ignored you. I should have told him I was taken from the get go." Louis pulls back at that. His eyes are red rimmed, yet he still looks gorgeous in the moonlight.

"But you're not really taken." Louis mumbles, gaze now on the ground.

"Actually I do believe I am. There's this guy who is incredibly adorable and sweet who just so happened to steal my heart. He has blue eyes to die for and a smile that lights up the world. And he's standing right in front of me." Louis looks up at that shocked.

"I-I stole your heart?"

"You did, and I don't want it back. Louis Tomlinson, I didn't plan to spend my winter holiday the way I did, but I'm glad it happened. You have my heart and I..." He has to say it. "I love you." Louis laughs at that, eyes crinkling and smile blinding. Harry loves him. Harry actually loves him.

"I love you too Harry." He couldn't help it; he leans in for a kiss. It's so much better than before, the kiss is filled with love and passion and it has Louis swimming in it. He grips Harry's shoulders tighter as the kiss deepens. He couldn't have asked for a better birthday.

Merry Christmas Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now