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A/N: I know. I took way too long to get this updated. Throw rocks at me. I deserve it.

Three people were at the Welcome Desk when the elevator doors opened to let Dr. Green and I out at the front lobby. One of those people was Susan, who never seemed to stray from her position behind the counter.

The other two had their backs to us and were folding up bright yellow ponchos. Both were obviously men. The shorter of the two wore a black polo shirt tucked into khaki colored cargo pants. The other wore blue jeans that hugged his thighs and a dark blue wind breaker. I immediately recognized this one to be Silas. My heart picked up its pace, and I wanted little more than to run full speed right into his arms. I missed him that much.

What stopped me was the person with him. The thought of another stranger nearby had me wanting to fall back to my shy habits where I kept my head down, avoided all eye contact, and prayed no one noticed me.

I let Dr. Green step ahead a pace so I could fall back and hide behind him. "Well lookie there," he said while looking toward the people at the desk. As he spoke, his arm reached back and slipped over my shoulders to guide me forward and even with his side. I couldn't tell if he simply wanted me closer, or if he was refusing to let me hide.

At the sound of Dr. Green's voice, Silas turned, saw us, and smiled in recognition. His whole face lit up with happiness. "Hi, Doc. Hello, Aggele," he called out to us as we approached.

The other man accepted a plastic grocery bag from Susan and put his poncho folded into a perfect square into it to keep any lingering raindrops from falling to the floor. He turned so I could see his profile when he took Silas' poncho, which wasn't folded as neatly into the same square corners, to also put in the bag.

I knew who he was when I saw the arm of the black glasses along the side of his face and hooking behind his ear.

Mr. Blackbourne.

Dr. Green pulled his arm away from me when Silas approached. The tallest of the boys my subconscious was beginning to claim as my own gathered me into a hug, squeezing me tightly until I could only take in tiny breaths. He didn't lift me up like he usually did, probably because Susan was well within sight. Silas was showing me how much he missed me without being inappropriate to a stranger's eyes.

Silas gave me a final squeeze, pushing the last bit of air from my lungs before releasing me and turning to Dr. Green. Silas placed his large hands on the doctor's shoulder and asked without words if Dr. Green was okay.

Dr. Green gave Silas a half smile and put his own hand on Silas' shoulder in a reassuring, brotherly gesture. "I'll be okay," Dr. Green said with half a voice.

"Miss Sorenson."

Like a trained puppy, I answered in kind to the remaining person to step up to our little gathering. "Mr. Blackbourne."

The grocery bag with the ponchos dangled from his fingers. He must have walked up when I was hugging Silas. Seeing him in something other than his usual grey suit had me off kilter; I'd seen him in golfing attire before, and what he wore now wasn't much different than that. The detail that clashed with his refined perfection was the pair of heavy rain boots on his feet.

How did Silas and Mr. Blackbourne get here? Why were they here? What were the four of us going to do now? Don't get me wrong. I was overjoyed they managed to brave the flood to arrive here, but my nervousness was more powerful.

Mr. Blackbourne took charge and gave us all direction. "Let's all head to our room, shall we?" He held out his hand without the bag toward the elevator Dr. Green and I just emerged from.

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