Cedar Wood

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Chapter 5


July 17th




Cerise Hood


Raven Queen, Madeline Hatter and Cerise Hood.

Doll year



2 Available

A true friend, through and through, Cedar's inability to lie and consequential, but unintentional, blunt speech patterns has earned her no enemies thanks to her big heart and gentle nature. She's a quirky, talkative girl with a true talent for expressing herself. She uses her artwork as an extension of her voice, her talents allowing her to articulate that which her voice cannot. Her high emotional drive makes her easily excitable, however, and a small worry can easily work her into a frenzy.

As the next Pinocchio, one might expect Cedar to be an experienced liar, but the opposite is true. At a young age, her father had a Truth spell cast on her, which prevents her not only from lying but also makes her prone to share truths without actual provocation. The spell won't wear off until her incarnation of the story commences.

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