556 22 13

TRIGGER WARNING(S): Swearing, Blood, Minor Self-Harm



His eyes enlarged, and Yuugi's mind went temporarily blank.

Standing was a tan child, clad in this school's stupid male uniform. He had an air of confidence and kindness around him. Not a hair out of place in that wild mane on his head. Familiar navy eyes gaped at him.

No.. fucking.. Way.

"H... Heba...?"

He saw the other boy grin, when his teacher cleared his throat. "I take it you two are already acquainted?" he said with interest. Yuugi only nodded dumbly.

"That... That's my little brother," he said simply, eyes moving back to focus on a thrilled-looking Heba, who had sat down again, but looked damn-near ready to explode from excitement. He was grinning like a giddy idiot, eyes sparkling like a bright sea blue.

Shuzuki smiled, as if intrigued. "Ah, wonderful! I was wondering how two of my students both had the same surname! How long has it been since you last saw each other?"

"Seven years," the two siblings replied in complete unison, with a matter-of-fact tone. They turned to face each other again, Yuugi still quite bewildered. Heba giggled with childlike innocence. He blinked with a quick realization. "W-Wait a minute! I'm three years older than you! How are we in the same class?" he demanded, arms crossing while his head tilted slightly to the side.

Heba smirked, reclining a little in his chair. "Skipped a few grades," was an almost (almost) cocky reply.

Yuugi felt the beginnings of a smile twitch at his lips. Pride swelled in his heart. "Well... nice job," he mumbled, rubbing his neck. His smart little brother... I always knew he'd do well.

Their teacher cleared his throat. "Well... now that this heartwarming scene is over-" he put rather unnecessary emphasis on 'over', making Yuugi frown slightly.

Yup, because getting to see my only sibling after seven years apart is definitely not an important moment. At all, he growled internally.

"-lets get you seated, yes? How about next to Mr. Sennen, there in the back?"

Yuugi glanced over to another, slightly-tanned male in the back of class. He smiled, and Yuugi felt his pulse quicken. He had a muscled build beneath navy blue clothing, sharp features, and hair surprisingly similar to his own. And... those eyes. A smouldering crimson he had never seen before on another human being.

To be blunt, this guy was pretty damn hot.

Yup, EXTREMELY attractive, he mentally decided, moving to the desk next to him. And I get to sit next to him. I don't know whether to hug or kill someone.

When their sensei began a long ramble about something... er, school-related, the taller glanced over at him with a small smile. "Nice to finally meet you, Yuugi," he whispered quietly.

Yuugi blinked. "Nani?" he asked, dumbfounded.

The crimson-eyed beauty blinked, smirking sheepishly. "Oh, gomen'nasai," he said quickly. "I'm Atemu Sennen, a friend of Heba's. He's... talks about you quite a bit."

Atemu reached out a hand, and Yuugi quickly shook hands. Heba had told his friends about him? A part of his heart managed to flutter softly with brotherly affection, but he didn't smile. He kept all emotion hidden away.

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