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If you think fangirls life is fun, you are wrong. It's hard work.
And Amelie knows it better than anyone else. As she called herself she was proffesional fangirl.

I woke up and the second I opened my eyes I grabbed my phone to check twitter.
Michael Clifford tweeted: much fun tonight xx
Ashton Irwin: I love you London
Luke Hemmings: *picture*
5 Seconds of Summer: thank you guys *picture*
Calum Hood: goodbye London we've had fun here

I retweeted their tweets, favorited, replied and started spamming them with my funny thoughts hoping today is the day they notice me.
Nothing just retweets from my soul mates: other fangirls.
I shrug and start watching jet black heart music video for probably 1000000th time. In the middle of it to my room comes my mom.
"Aren't you going to meet these boys today?
"OMG YES TODAY I TOTALLY FORGOT THEY COME TO LA TODAY OMG I NEED TO GET READY" I yelled. My mom just laughed and walked from the room. She better drives me to the  airport.
I put on my body every 5sos merch I had  and ran to the kitchen to take my breakfast.
"Mom will you drive me to airport please please please"
"I have to go to the work so only if you hurry up"
"I'l already ready" she took her car keys and I walked to the car"

"Have fun and don't kill these boys from happiness" mom waved and I ran to airpot. There were alred tones of fans and I tried to get closest I could to the front row. But sadly I was still somewhere in back.
I heard screaming "oh my god oh my god they're here!" and my heart started beating harder as I saw the one and the only Luke Hemmings getting closer and closer to me. And here is the moment when his ocean blue eyes meet mine and.. 6 other girls eyes. He smiles for us and his teeth bit lip piercing. I almost moaned. Luke starts talking with fans takes selfies. I try to say a word try to say how much I love him and ask for a selfie but he doesn't hear me and after minute walks away.
Second comes Calum. He smiles and starts answering.
"Hii. I love you so much!" I say loudly and Calum turns to me. My heart almost breaks and I take a breath but some hand comes and grabs Calum so he turns away to her and takes a selfie and after thst walks away. I almost start crying. I was so close.
When Ashton comes I start telling everything I always wanted to but Ashton just smiles and I understand he hardly hears a word. I smile sadly and tears show in my eyes when Ashton walks away.
Last comes Michael and I'm still crying. I try to say hi and he turns to me. This pale angel woth red hair heard me.
"What happened?" he asked softly.
"I'm in back and no one noticed me"
"I did even if I can't even hear you". I looked at him sadly and understood I won't talk. He was already talking to someone in front. I took out paper and pen and wrote him a short note
*please follow me on twitter @*********  I have to talk to you and now it's impossible :)(*
then I tapped his back and he turned to me again I handed note and he nodded and smiled.
I walked from the airport crying. Why am I so unlucky?
I got back home and my phone buzed.
Michael Clifford followed you.

And I screamed at the top of my lungs

so here is 1 chapter. Basically it's story about life of every of us and how we would love it to turn

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