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niall: promise me something

Read 3:38 AM

zayn: promise you what?

niall: promise me you'll never leave my side.

Read 3:40 AM

zayn: I promise to never leave your side.

niall: you mean it?

Read 3:41 AM

zayn: with all my heart.

niall: I love you

Read 3:41 AM

zayn: I love you more.


Niall never asked Zayn what they were, too afraid of Zayn end up leaving. He knew he should listen to his mom, but he just couldn't. He couldn't risk losing Zayn- not again.

Niall bit his lip, looking out the window. The moon's light shining in through the shutters. Zayn fell asleep not too long ago which left Niall alone with his thoughts.

It was hard.

It was hard not being with the person you loved, not having them physically there with you, and in all honesty it killed Niall. It was like a stab to the heart knowing that Zayn wasn't there with him.

He sighed, rubbing his face. He was tired. Just so tired. He didn't know which tiredness affected him more.

The emotional or physical one.

"Why aren't you here, Zayn?"

Him and Zayn have been going on with this "none labeled relationship" for 3 weeks now. It was going great- well at least for Niall.

Zayn was getting tired of Niall, always having to text him 24/7 and in all honesty, Niall was too clingy for Zayn's liking.

Sighing, Niall grabbed his phone from the nightstand and clicked the home button.

3:44 AM

He unlocked his phone and went on Instagram to distract himself. It didn't really help though since it was early morning and no one would post this early. He tried refreshing his feed only resulting into the same picture only adding a minute more since it had been posted.

Niall being the curious person he is decided to go on Zayn's page. He went through his feed looking at all the comments that mostly girls commented.

"You're so cute!

Can you be mine already?

You have such beautiful eyes.


Tbh. You're really cute, talk to me sometime."

The last comment caught his attention since Zayn replied to it,

"Sure thing, cutie. x"

Niall blinked, furrowing his eyebrows. What was this? He clicked on her page instantly regretting it. He couldn't deny it she was pretty. Hell, she was beautiful. He clicked on her recent pictures reading the comments that people left. One catching his attention instantly.

"zayn: you look beautiful, babe :) x"

Niall's eyes watered. Was Zayn really cheating on him? He then realized that Zayn and him aren't even dating, so of course Zayn would be flirting with other girls. But it's just friendly flirting right? Zayn is all his and he's all Zayn's.

Niall's heart hurt at the thought of Zayn being with someone else. He then went back to Zayn's profile looking at his tagged photos. There was one with Zayn and some girl. He tapped on the picture waiting for it to load. The picture showed Zayn hugging a girl from her waist, having to lean down since he was taller than her by a lot, while the girl hugged him by the neck hiding her face in the crook of his neck. It was captioned

"Height difference makes this picture even more cute."

He then saw Zayn's comment that was left for the picture

"only a cute picture because you're in it, beautiful x"

Niall instantly locked his phone and threw it on his nightstand, not caring if it cracked. He covered his face, fresh tears rolling down his face. He let out a shaky sigh, shaking his head slightly, he starting laughing slightly.

"I'm a fucking idiot," he wiped his tears and took a deep breathe, "I don't care." Niall rolled on his side clutching a pillow to his chest, closing his eyes tightly.

He did care.



hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

so, I was wondering if i could get 3 votes and 2 comments for the next chapter?

vote, comment, and/or fan.

-j xx

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