die for you

871 57 15

you're scared to be lonely
especially in the night
i'm scared that i'll miss you
happens every time

niall: i just don't know what to do with myself. there's times where i believe i am over him, but it's at night when i'm alone and i have no one to distract me and i'm just alone with my thoughts and they're haunting me. they're yelling at me to contact him that i need him in order to be okay- and i know that's not good that i need someone to make me feel okay, but i can't help it.

read 11:47 pm

harry: i hate that he makes you feel this way. honestly niall, you need to forget him and i know this is shitty of me to say but he is not crying over you he's probably talking to some other girl right now giving them the same "love" he gave you!

read 11:50 pm

niall: that's the thing harry... it hurts to see our love, something so beautiful , slowly crumbling and be torn apart piece by piece until my heart shattered...  but his, of course, was still whole.

niall: i just miss him.

read 11:55 pm

harry: bitch, he don't give a fuck about you.

read 11:55 pm


Niall chuckled softly and his thumbs hovered over his screen, his phone started to ring. Of course it was none other than Zayn Malik.

Mr. lovestobreakhearts

He scoffed and swiped the ignore the button, he smiled triumphantly, he had enough of his shit. Niall doesn't need someone to bring him pain, that isn't love.

Love is suppose to be something so beautiful that when you see them all of their flaws are perfect to you, that you would die for them. It is looking at them and thinking "how did I get so damn lucky?". It is never ending smiles and laughs with them. When someone asks you about them and you laugh more than you talk because you think of all the memories you have with them. It is unable to describe your mad love for them because you lack the vocabulary to express their beautiful soul.

Incoming call:


Niall rolled his eyes, but answered nonetheless.

"Baby, I would die for you. I don't want this feeling, I can't afford this love, and I hate that I want you, but I fucking love you."


-j xx

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