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truth beneath the candy


{ nam Joon point of view }

-I studied sign language at home, for the whole two weeks, well literally, I still eat and drink, and do some typings for my book.

it was hard, I mean when watching people do sign languages, it does look easy-but nope, it's hard. more harder than any languages you study, not French nor Arabic.

but just because of my feelings toward her, that makes me want to know, to learn, to understand, to enter her world, of listening silence-of not saying anything, but by just speaking with hands around the place.

I don't want to call her deaf, I rather call her 'the art of silence,' she's an art for me-beautiful, like snowflakes, cold and beautiful.

yesterday we texted, she got my number from Mr. Snow. sending messages were easier than talking to her, because I didn't know yet about sign languages, and all.

it's already morning, I should be greeting her wake up day. So I punched the message icon, and went straight to Maya contact.

I said to her; GOOD MORNING, SNOWFLAKES. Calling her 'sunshine,' is quite common, all boyfriends tells, 'good morning sunshine,' to their girlfriends-besides it's snowing out there, and she's not a sun, though she does shines.

she's probably busy, or still asleep, because it has been 45 minutes after I sent the morning greet.

well instead of waiting for her reply this early morning, I get up from my chair, as I drank my coffee until the last drips. today will be the last day of my sign language studies with Mrs. Lee, she came here to teach me.

tomorrow, I promise tomorrow, I will go back to work, I should be helping Hoseok, and Manager Lim about works and all. and midday I promise to visit the café, maybe have a little chats with Taehyung and Jungkook. then when the clock strikes 2, I will bring Maya to the Hospital.

plans, like a bucket lists for me. I don't really mind, being busy for this month, I mean after all I'm not doing this for 'just' a girl, its for the girl I love. sounded gooey I know.

like the previous plans I had, the one I made on my whiteboard with the title; project to get Mute girl's attention (or was it like that I don't quite remember) but that is fine, it's about to attract her.

I already crossed out three, which was (1.) Chocolate, (2.) Sweater, and (3.) Mittens. I only got 4 more, the socks, scarf and was it boots? I mean, I rubbed it, the whiteboard I rubbed it all, I erased it, by accident.

but that doesn't matter, I got her attention already. her attention is fully on me now, yeah high confidence. and I got a new plan, just for this Christmas.

just for her Christmas present, and that is;

to help Maya;

1/. study sign language.

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