Chapter 3 (END)

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Day and night, Bonnie didn't stop weaving, he wanted Freddy to live. He was trying his best to keep Freddy alive but couldn't. Eventually there was only one way for Freddy to live. Bonnie used up every single one of his feathers to make the cloths. He needed to buy the medicine for Freddy's illness, once he got the medicine he quickly ran as fast as he could to get to Freddy "Please be okay! Please!" He begged as he ran into the room to see Freddy coughing out more blood. His eyes widen more as he ran to Freddy and gave him the medicine.


Bonnie looked at his fingers, they were bleeding from making so many cloths but he wrapped them in bandages. He was remembering all of the good times he had with his lover. Bonnie had more tears falling from his face, he feared if he told the truth to Freddy. He feared that Freddy would never love him again and Bonnie would no longer be a human. Bonnie began to speak "If someday, if i were no longer a human. Would you still, love me?" he said, he was about to pluck the last feather until he felt a warm hand grab his hand that was holding the feather. Freddy hugged Bonnie from behind, smiling gently "Of course, i promised i would embrace you if you lost your wings, and that crane that had taken flight that day. I would never forget that moment. And just like always, i love you" He said, smiling. Bonnie held Freddy's hand and cried tears of joy. He knew that he was going to have a happy life with his lover, forever.


Freddy x Bonnie - Seasonal FeathersWhere stories live. Discover now