Chapter Two; Courtney

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“Let me see you dance…

I love to watch you dance.

Take you down another level…

Getchu dancing with the devil…

Take a shot of this….

But I’m warning you…

I’m on that shit that you can’t smell, baby.

So… Put down your perfume…”

Wicked Games boomed through my phone as I stood in the shower. I sang to Abel’s voice as I cleansed my body. When I was done, I carefully turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I dried off my body and smoothed out my skin with my lotion. When I finished with that, I put on my new outfit for my date with Diggy. I slipped on my undergarments before putting on my clothes. I grabbed my navy blue wavy tank top and slipped it over my head. I pulled it down over my stomach and played with the ruffles. I then grabbed my light blue jean shorts and slid them on. I buttoned them up and stared at myself in the mirror. I would look perfect if I knew what to do with my hair… I took my hair out of the pony-tail, and let it sprawl out over my shoulders. I drew in a breath as I tried to decide what I was going to do with it. Um… Curly? Na, that’s too much work. Straight? Uh-Uh. Even more work. I groaned… What to do? Bun with a bang? I smiled. Bingo! I grabbed the blue comb and parted my bang. I combed it out over my eyes and combed the rest of my hair to the back. I grabbed a few clips and a brush and began putting it in a bun. Then bun sat on the top of my head and it actually looked really cute. I smiled at myself before I plugged up my flat-irons. As I waited for them to heat up, I began to apply my make-up. I covered my lips with a light but noticeable pink lip stick and on my cheeks I added a little foundation. By the time I was done, the flat-irons were hot enough. I slowly picked them up and flat-ironed my bang. Less than five minutes later, I was done. I unplugged the flat-irons and looked at myself in the mirror. I was proud of myself. I looked… Really nice. Lets just hope Diggy likes it. I smacked my lips together and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my black purse and filled it with my wallet, headphones, keys and phone. I threw it over my shoulder while looking for my black sandals that matched my purse. I walked all around my room looking for them. I gave a frustrated sigh. Where are they? I looked under my bed and to my relief I saw them. I smiled and slid them on. I walked back into the bathroom and looked at my complete masterpiece. I looked really nice. I sighed and headed out of the door; on my way to pick up Diggy…

I pushed my bang out of my eye as I headed towards Diggy’s front porch. I took a deep breath and walked to his door. I cleared my throat and smacked my lips together before ringing the doorbell. I took a step back and waited for someone to answer. “Coming,” A male voice said. I heard his footsteps come closer to the door. He unlocked the door and slowly pulled it open. “Hi,” Diggy’s brother JoJo smiled at me. “Hi JoJo…” I was really nervous; JoJo and I haven’t really talked. “Come in,” I walked in slowly and he closed the door behind me. “…You look nice,” I smiled. “Thanks…” He nodded. “I’ll go get Diggy,” I nodded as he headed off down the hall. I walked over to their couch and sat down. I crossed my legs. I sat there for a few seconds before I heard a door click. “Hi sweetie,” I turned around and stood up. Diggy stood there with a huge smile on his face. He was dressed in a nice white polo shirt with jean shorts and on his feet were a pair of white Jordan’s. His hair was wet and curly and he smelled really good. “Hi…” I blushed a bit; thinking about how cute he looks. He walked over to me and looked at my attire. His eyes widened a bit and he bit his lip. “…You look so…” He struggled with his words. “So what?” I laughed and looked down at myself. “You look so sexy…” I blushed and stood closer to me. “…Too sexy.” He bit his lip and I giggled. He placed a hand on the small of my back and lifted my chin. He pressed his lips against mine and smile. “…You ready?” He smiled and nodded. “Of course,” He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand. He led us outside when I stepped in front of him. “I’ll get that for you…” I opened the door and gestured for him to get in. “What are you doing?” He laughed and stepped in the car. “Sh… Just go along. You’re my date tonight… I must treat you right.” I winked at him and he smirked. “Ohhh…” I nodded and closed his door. I ran over to my side of the car and got in. I started the car and pulled out of his driveway.

“Um… I think we’ll just split a piece of your chocolate cheese cake.” I closed the menu and gave it to our waiter at Olive Garden. “Will that be all?” I nodded and he left. “…You’re spending so much money.” Diggy whispered and shook his head. “So?” “So? Courtney, money doesn’t grow on trees…” Technically, it does. I reached for his hands. “Diggy, I don’t care if I spend one million dollars… I will make this night special. It’s our anniversary… I know you’d do the same for me…” I smiled as he kissed my finger tips. “You’re right, I would…” I smiled. “So um… How are you?” I hope he’s okay about this Joslyn thing. I really, just really need him to be okay. I don’t care about my feelings about the subject… It isn’t important that I’m upset she’s back and scared he’ll leave me and return to her… I-I just want him to be okay. “About Joslyn? I’m okay… Like, I’m not happy she’s here, but I also can’t make her leave. So…we’ll just have to be a couple with her here. Can we do that?” I laughed. I love him… Ohmygod I love him. “Of course…”

“What did you wanna see again?” I glanced at Diggy as we looked at movie times. “Despicable Me!” He cheered while jumping up and down. I laughed and walked up to the counter. “Hi, how may I help you?” A blonde young lady said to me. “Hi. Two tickets for Despicable Me, please?” I smiled and handed her twenty dollars. “Okay, you’re total is thirteen-forty.” She handed me the two tickets along with my change. “First theater to the left,” I grabbed the tickets and smiled. “Thanks,” I walked towards Diggy and handed him a ticket. “Lets go,” We walked towards the concession stands and stood in line. “Do you want to share popcorn or have your own?” I looked at him and he shrugged. “Whatever you can afford,” I rolled my eyes. "I can afford The White House tonight, baby. Diggy, just tell me what you want. Let me treat you for a change…” I stood on my tippy-toes and kissed his cheek. “Which one do you want?” He sighed. “I wanna share with my babe.” I blushed a bit. “Grab some candy for us to share and meet me at the counter, okay?” He nodded and tried to find us some candy. “Hi, what can I get for you?” A tall male said to me. “Hi, can I get a large popcorn with a large drink and bag of candy?” He nodded. “What kind of candy?” I blinked at him. “Hold on one second,” I turned around and looked at Diggy. “Diggy, did you find some?” He looked at me and smiled. “Jolly Ranchers!” He smiled as he walked back over to me. He placed the bag on the counter as the cashier rung us up. “Your total is twenty-one fifty.” I went in my wallet and pulled out a twenty and a five. I handed it to the cashier as Diggy grabbed the popcorn. “Go dress it up,” I smiled as he walked over to the popcorn seasonings. “Twenty-three fifty is your change,” He handed me my change and receipt. “Thanks,” I grabbed our drink and two straws and met Diggy at the popcorn seasonings. “Ready?” I smiled at him. “Ready,” He winked at me and we walked into our movie…

“Courtney, will you buy me a minion?” Diggy laughed and pointed to the screen. “They’re so cute!” I shook my head and giggled. “Which one do you want?” He shrugged. “Um… I think his name is Stewart.” I saw him smile. “Yeah! I want him!” I laughed and grabbed his hand. “Okay, I’ll buy it for you…” He placed a kiss on my cheek. “You’re so sweet…” I looked at him and he bit his lip. “…Thanks for tonight,” He smiled and inched closer to my face. “I had a really nice time…” He pressed his nose against mine. “Thank you so much…” He brushed his lips against mine and I smiled. I placed my hands on his chest as he continued to peck my lips. “I love you…” He whispered; running his fingers through my curly. “I love you t-“ I heard the sound of vibration coming from his pocket. He looked down at his pants and pulled out his phone. He looked at the screen and paused for a minute. “…Is everything okay?” He continued to stare at the phone for a minute. “Diggy?” He slid his finger across the screen and looked at me. “Who was it?” He cleared his throat and wrapped his arm around me. “No one important…” He kissed my cheek. “Are you sure?” He smiled at me and nodded. “Yes…” He turned back to the screen. “So are you really going to by me a minion? ‘Cause you know, I really want one.” He laughed and I rolled my eyes. “Whatever it takes to make you happy…” He smiled. “You know, you are so sweet…” “I learned from the best…”                                                                                                                        

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