Chapter Twenty-Six; Courtney

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“Digg, you should turn on the radio.” Diggy smiled and turned on the radio. I gasped as I heard the beat drop. It was 4-Letter Word.

“4-Letter Word…

4-Letter Word…

4-Letter Word…

4-Letter Word…”

I smiled as I looked at Diggy. He licked his lips and began singing.

“You make me wanna sing to you…


Yeah, it’s the little things you do for me, homie, lover, friend.”

He smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

“I can spend my life with you…



Girl, we ain’t gotta thing to lose so let’s go and runaway…”

Ohmygod… I can’t believe this song just came on. Ever since this song came out, I’ve always wanted Diggy to sing this to me. And now… It’s finally happening. I know, it sounds like I’m fangirling… But still. I can’t believe it. I drew in a breath as Diggy started singing the part that makes me cry every time. Jesus, please don’t let me cry in front of him.

“I don’t wanna hear a love song ‘cause I live it.

Every moment’s memorable, we’ll never forget it.

Love the way you pucker up your lips when I peck it.

When you get this message, I’ll be right there when you check it…”

Oh no… The tears are forming…

“My heart, my mind, my soul, my time…

It’s all for you let me say it one more time.

My heart, my mind, my soul, my time…

It’s all for you, underscore bottom line…”

I tried to sniffle as quiet as humanly possible as tears ran down my cheeks. Diggy glanced at me right when I was wiping tears away. “Courtney…?” He turned and got a complete look at my face. “Are you crying?” I wiped my eyes again. “No,” I lied and Diggy laughed. “Courtney…” “Alright! I’m crying… I don’t know why, but every time I hear that part I start to cry. Like, it’s so sweet… A-And in the video, you looked so sad because her dad was making her leave…” Diggy was cracking up. “This isn’t funny!” I folded my arms across my chest. “Haha… My girlfriend is a JetSetter…” I rolled my eyes. “Of course I am…” Diggy was still laughing. “Did you really use to fangirl over me like that?” I nodded out of embarrassment. “Ohmygod…” He started laughing again. “It isn’t funny…” I turned away from him. “Awe… Baby, I’m sorry.” He placed a hand on my leg. “I think it’s cute how you supported me even before you knew me.” I turned around to see his smiling face. “It’s sweet…” I rolled my eyes. “Mhm… It was so sweet that’d you laugh at me about it.” He started laughing again. “I didn’t think the song was worth crying over!” I shook my head. “It was the video, Diggy! You looked so sad and depressed… And I don’t like it when you’re not happy. When you aren’t happy, I’m not happy.” Diggy was silent for a while. “Awe… Baby… That was the sweetest thing…” I shook my head. “No, I’m serious… I’m so thankful to have someone like you that cares about me like that…” I didn’t say anything. “Thank you so much, sweetheart. I love you…” Dang… He used the L word. “I love you too…”

“What movie do you wanna see?” Diggy asked me as we drove through the line at the Drive-In. “Um… Safe Haven, if you don’t mind. I read the book and I’ve been dyyyyiinnnngg to see the movie.” He laughed. “Alright,” He turned to his window to speak to the man. “Hi, may I have two tickets to Safe Haven? You guys are still showing that, right?” The man smiled. “We’re showing whatever you’d like to see. Safe Haven, you said? That’s gonna be ten dollars.” I started digging in my purse for five dollars. “Hold on Digg, I got a fi-“ “Here you go,” He was already handing the man ten dollars. “Alright. Your movie is showing on the second screen to your right.” Diggy smiled while receiving the tickets. “Thanks,” He sat back and drove off towards the screens. “Here,” I held out my five dollars towards Diggy. “What’s this?” He gave me a confused look. “My ticket money. Here,” Diggy laughed. “Baby, put away your money.” I sighed. “Diggy, I’m serious. I could’ve paid for myself… Just take the money.” He parked in front of the screen and stared at me. “Courtney, when you’re with me, you don’t have to pay for anything. Ever. Unless it’s our anniversary and you’re trying to treat me.” I laughed. “You understand?” I nodded. That was sweet. “Yes, I understand.” He smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek. “Okay good. Now let’s get to watching this movie.”

“Babe, come and sit on my lap.” Diggy patted his lap and I rolled my eyes. “You sure?” I’m too heavy to be sitting on his lap. He gave me a blank stare. “No no… No getting insecure. You’re perfect. Now c’mon.” I smiled and walked over to him. He lifted the blanket and I sat down on his lap; leaning against his chest. He grabbed my hand while wrapping the blanket over me. He kissed the top of my head and I flinched as Kevin slapped Katie across the floor. “Ohmygod…” I covered my eyes as he continued to abuse her in her house. “This is pissing me off…” I looked up and Diggy as he clenched his jaw. “Hm?” Diggy blew out a breath. “I don’t understand how a man that big and strong can put his hands on a woman like her. Hell, I don’t understand how he can put his hands on her at all. You claim you love her, but you’re making her bleed? I just don’t understand.” I listened to him as he spoke. He slipped his arm around me and hugged me tight. “I will never, ever abuse you like that… Ever.” I nodded. “I’m dead serious, and if I become that crazy and do, send Jacob to kill me. Dead serious about that…” He kissed my forehead. “…I wish I would put my hands on you like that… So help me, God.” I giggled at how his voice changed when he said that. “Whatchu giggling about, cutie?” I blushed. “You,” I started to laugh again. “What I do?” I shook my head. “It was just funny how you said ‘So help me, God.’” He poked my sides. “And it was funny how you cried when 4-Letter Word came on.” I gasped and he started laughing again. “You are so mean…” He laughed and hugged me. “But I love you…” I rolled my eyes. “Mhm...”

“It’s only about ten… Do you want me to take you home or do you wanna chill at my place for a while?” Diggy asked as we headed down the freeway. “Um… I’d like to hang with you, if that’s okay. Just let me text my dad.” I pulled out my phone and started texting my dad. “Going to Diggy’s for a few hours. Be home before curfew.” I texted. “Alright, I’m good,” Diggy smiled and grabbed my hand. “Cool,”

“What do you want on your sandwich, Bae?” Diggy yelled from in the kitchen. “Um… Ham and cheese is fine…” I lay on the couch and flipped through songs on my phone. “No mayo..?” I gasped. “Yeesssss pweeaaassseee!” I heard Diggy laugh. “I knew it,” I shook my head and found No Scrubs TLC and played it. “Alright babe, I’m about to sing to you…” I cleared my throat as Chilli began singing.

“A scrub is a guy who thinks he’s fly, but is also known as a buster.

Always talking ‘bout what he wants, but sits on his broke ass…

So no. I don’t want no scrub…”

“Sing it, babe,” I heard Diggy chant. I cleared my throat and prepared to keep singing when there was a knock at the door. “Hold on,” Diggy ran to the door and I peaked behind him. He opened the door and I couldn’t believe who stood behind it. Joslyn. “Joslyn?” Diggy’s voice was confused. “Diggy, I need to talk to you…” Diggy was silent. “I-I know we buried the hatchet and all that but there’s something I need to tell you.” She took in a breath. “P-Part of the reason why I was messing with you was because I didn’t want you to forget me but also…” “Also?” She blew out a breath. “A-Also is because… I still love you. I still love you, Daniel…”

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