Chapter Twenty; Courtney

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“…So you’re telling me, while Joslyn and I were dating, you were talking to G?” I gave Diggy and uncomfortable glance as I told him my story with Graham… “I-I didn’t know he was G until last week… And after he told me, I told him to leave me alone.” He nodded. “…T-That’s when I figured out what was going on. I realized how they wanted this to happen… How they wanted us to break up… H-How they wanted to destroy us.” I was starting to get choked up again. I held back my tears as he looked at me. “…But why did we let them destroy us?” He got up and walked over to me. He sat next to me and looked me in my eyes. “Why’d we let them get between our love?” I couldn’t answer that question… And neither could he. “What are we going to do?” I looked at him. “I have no idea… But I’m not doing anything until I have you back in my arms.” I looked at the ground. “Diggy, don’t do this…” I stood up and walked away from him. “Do what? Courtney… Do you not know how much it hurts not to have you?” I sucked on my lip and shook my head. “Diggy, it kills me not to have you too. B-But you hurt me… Y-You cheated on me… A-And I know you didn’t mean for it to happen but it did… And I just don’t know anymore…” I turned around and looked at him. “Courtney, hurting you was the worst thing I’ve ever done. I regretted it every second I wasn’t with you. A-And when people told me how much you cried…or how you wouldn’t eat… I-I… Words can’t even describe how bad and stupid I felt. Courtney, I’m so sorry I let her kiss me… I’m so sorry I let her get between us. I-I’m just so sorry…” He brought tears to my eyes. “…I’ll do anything just to have you back. Anything…” What am I doing? It’s obvious he’s hurting… And he’s learned his lesson. If we’re going to get back at Joslyn, we need to do it as a team… As a couple. “…We need to get rid of Joslyn. Completely… S-She needs to know that she won’t destroy us again… She needs to know that she can’t hurt us.” He nodded. “You’re absolutely right… She will not destroy us ag-“ He paused and looked in my eyes. “Wait a minute…” A small smile appeared on his face. “You said she wouldn’t be able to destroy us again… A-And in order for her to destroy us again, we’d have to be a couple again…” He walked closer to me. “…Are you saying we’re a couple again? A-Are you taking me back?” I gave him a small smile while nodding my head. His smile grew bigger and he gave a small laugh. “…I have my baby back,” He smiled at the ground. “I can’t believe this…” He looked at me before wrapping his arms around me. “…I missed you so much.” He whispered in my ear. I smiled as he kissed my cheek. “I promise, I’ll never do that to you again,” He backed away and looked deep in my eyes. “…I love you, Courtney.” He inched closer to my face. “I love you too.” He brushed his lips against mine; kissing my very passionately. Something he hasn’t done in so long… A-And I didn’t want him to stop.

Now it was time to get this Joslyn thing in order. She needs to quit trying to ruin our reputation. She needs to give up… A-And I have the perfect plan that’s gonna make her give up. It’s gonna take some work… But if we do this right, it’s going to work.

“So what are we going to do about Joslyn?” I stared at the ground as I sat on the couch in Diggy’s basement. “…I have no idea.” I gave him a look as he tossed a basketball in the air. “…You seem so nonchalant about it. Don’t you wanna get back at her?” He caught the ball and looked at me. “I do but that’s not what I’ve been worrying about for the past month. All I’ve been worrying about is you… And how I was going to get you back. A-And now that I have you back, I’m trying to enjoy it and have fun before all the stress and bad things come back. I-I just want to relax with you before we have to worry about drama. Can we do that? C-Can we just relax and be a couple for a second before worrying about everything else?” I smiled and stood up. I walked over to him and cuffed his cheeks in my hands. I smiled and pressed my lips to his. “…Of course we can.” He smiled. “…Let me take you out tonight. Let me show you how sorry I am…” I sighed. “Diggy, I know how sorry you are.” He grabbed my hands. “Well, let me show you how much you mean to me… And how much I love you.” I smiled. “…Alright.” He smiled and grabbed my waist. “…I love you so much.” He licked his lips and smiled. “I love you t-“ The vibration and music playing from my phone summoned my talking. I smiled at him as the song played.

“What the hell babe…?

Damn, I ain’t never felt this way…

Somebody, somebody tell me;

I don’t have a clue what to do when it comes to you…”

I smiled at Diggy as Up To You played on my phone. “…It’s our song.” He smiled and began to stand up. “I know,” He stepped closer to me. “May I have this dance?” I opened his arm and I stepped into him. He placed his hands on my waist and I slipped my arms around his waist. He took the first step; leading our dance.

“’Cause I love me… I love me enough for the both of us.

That’s why… You trust me. I know you’ve been through more than most of us.

So what are you…? What are you, what are you so afraid of…?

Darling you… You give but you cannot take love.”

I listened to From Time as I wet my hair; trying to get it curly. I stood up and turned off the water. I ringed out my hair and put a towel on my shoulders. I let my hair go and flipped it back. I walked over to my mirror and began to comb down my hair. It sprawled out over my shoulders. When I finished combing it, I started applying my make-up. I put on some mascara and a little lip stick. When I finished, I looked at my complete attire. …I actually looked nice. I walked out of my bathroom and into my room. I grabbed my phone and purse and slid on my shoes. I walked downstairs and into the living room. I sat down on the couch and unlocked my screen. I went to my contacts and began to call Diggy. “…You don’t know how excited I just got because I saw your name on my screen.” He chuckled and I smiled. “Hey baby,” I crossed my legs. “Hey, you ready?” I smiled. “Yeah. You on your way?” He paused for a second and I saw a pair of headlights through my window. “…In the driveway.” I laughed and shook my head. “I’ll be right out.” I hung up the phone and stuffed it in my purse. “I’ll be back before curfew, mom!” I opened the door and walked outside. Diggy was leaning on the head of his car; smiling at me. “…Well don’t you look ravishing?” He smiled and opened his arms. I stepped into his hug. “Thanks,” He placed his hands on my waist and I rested my arms on his shoulders. “How are you?” I played with his baby hair. “Perfect now that I’m with you.” He looked into my eyes. “Awe babe…” I blushed and kissed his lips. I smiled at him as he pressed his forehead against mine. “Ready to have some fun?” I smiled and took a step back. “Always,” He stood up. “Then let’s go have some fun.” He walked me to my side of the car. “For you, my lady…” He opened the door and I stepped in. “Thank you…” After, he walked to his side and got in. He strapped in his seatbelt and started the car. He looked at me and grabbed my hand as he pulled out of the driveway…

“I’m sick of this…” I threw my phone on the table as Diggy and I had dinner. “Sick of what?” He picked up my phone. He unlocked my phone and smirked at me. “It’s cute how my name is your password,” He smiled and I rolled my eyes. “…Hush.” He shook his head. “I’m sick of all the Twitter and Instagram comments.” I sighed and stared at him. “It’s stupid…” He placed my phone back on the table and slid it over to me. “Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t turned it off yet.” He entangled is fingers. “I would’ve been too irritated.” He ran a hand through his hair. “…Did you turn yours off?” I tapped my screen with my finger repeatedly. He chuckled quietly. “Turned mine off as I was pulling in the driveway to come pick you up.” I gave him a surprised look. “Are you serious?” He nodded. “What if your parents call?” He shrugged. “…Oh well,” I shook my head. “Diggy!” He threw his hands up. “What?” “What if there’s an emergency?” He blinked at me. “…I’ll pray that the good Lord will handle it.” I laughed. “But I wasn’t going to be dealing with that… I haven’t been with you like this in a month. I could care less about what Joslyn and her fake groupies are talking about…” He looked down at the table. “All that matters is you. I’ve wasted too much of my time on an irrelevant girl who’s trying to destroy me. And now that I’ve gotten back what means more than anything to me… She can do whatever she wants. I-I honestly don’t care anymore.” Awe… “It’s okay, baby. We’ll get back at her. I promise.” He didn’t say anything. “…I don’t care what we do about her… As long as you and I are okay…” “And we will be okay. I promise.” I stood up and leaned over the table. “…We’re gonna be just fine.” I brushed my lips against his. “…Just fine.”

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