midnight snack

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It's midnight and I can't sleep. All the girls at Taylor's sleepover had passed out while we watched the oh so cheesy sleepover movie 'The Notebook'. I regret choosing to sleep on the sofa with Kendall because her legs take up half the space..
I get off the sofa and carefully make sure to not step on any of the girls on the floor in their sleeping bags while trying to make it to the stairs. I make it safe to the kitchen without anyone noticing and try to get myself a snack. I mean the task would have been much easier if Taylor wasn't all about 'clean eating' because all I found was an apple. I get a glass and fill it up with the water machine on her fridge. Fancy.

While the water is still pouring in my glass, I hear a noise. I think they're footsteps. I don't know why I feel scared, it could be anyone of the girls... Although I'm not really close with all of them, being alone with them without Taylor is a bit awkward.
All of a sudden, from my left ear, I hear "Boo!". I jump in fear and turn around to see Cara laughing at me.

"Holy shit you scared me.." I say to her while holding my chest and staring at the floor.

"Yeah, I know." She said laughing at me with a little mocking smirk.

"So what are you doing up so late?" She asks me while looking me in the eyes for the first time, which made me nervous so I looked somewhere else.

"Uhh.. Just getting a snack." I walk over to the other side of the kitchen.

She starts opening a couple pantry's looking for something to eat. She's wearing silky pyjamas and the moonlight from the window brings out her eyes and shines her messy blonde hair. I blush while getting lost looking at her search the kitchen.

She turns to me and says, "God, I swear this bitch doesn't eat." She walks over to me.
Almost too close for comfort. I start to get really tense and she can feel it as well.
She stops in front of me and reaches to the bowl of fruits to my left. She grabs an apple and looks me in the eye and says in a teasing tone , "What? I'm just getting an apple...".
She takes a bite and goes towards the stairs and says "Goodnight (Y/N)"
I swear i could hear the smirk on her face.

She knows I like her and now she's messing with me, oh gosh.


- 29/12/2015

this was my first cara imagine so it kinda sucks but hopefully i'll get better with time. tell me how you guys liked it and please give me some suggestions ;))) <3
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