road trip - part 4 ✨

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// listen to yellow by Coldplay  //

I dropped Cara home and drove to my house next. I got our of the car, opened the door and heard "Honey? Is it you?" "Hi mom!" I ran into her arms and gave her a tight hug and I felt all of my emotional baggage releasing for a moment.
"How was your trip?" "It was great, it was the best. But mom, I drove for such a long time and I'm so exhausted. I need to sleep... Catch up with you in the afternoon? I have to say goodbye to Cara in the morning at the airport." "No problem, I understand. See you tomorrow!" She smiled and I hugged her one more time before going upstairs. I saw that my little brother's door was opened and he was sitting in front of his computer so I snuck up behind him and screamed, "Boo!". He quickly turned his head around in fear and hit me when he saw me, "Gosh Y/N, you scared me.. Did you get me anything from your trip?
"Seriously? You haven't seen me in like over a week and the first thing you ask about is if I got you a gift? Not even a hello? Not even a 'how was your trip'?... its in the backseat, I'll get it later." He looked excited and happy as I went to my room. I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning still laying on the top of my bed and wearing the same clothes I did yesterday. Jeans are awfully uncomfortable to sleep in. I freaked out for a moment remembering what I had to do today. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket. It was 9:25am and I had 3 missed texts from Cara!

6:52am: 💔😞
8:37am: don't forget, my plane takes off at 10am...
9:10am: Y/N??!?

I accidentally slept in!! I might not be able to make it! I quickly jumped off my bed and grabbed the first pair of clean clothes I could find; my oversized grey sweater and some black skinny jeans. I think it might be pretty cold outside, especially since its the morning. I ran to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and quickly washed my face. It was 9:35am. I contemplated putting on a bit of makeup but went against it. I put my socks on, grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. I quickly put my shoes on, grabbed my keys and drove as fast and as safely as I could, which together don't make the best combo. The airport luckily wasn't that far from where I lived and I was able to make it at 9:51am.

I ran inside looking around for Cara and shouting her name a couple times. I saw a women who seemed like she worked here so I asked her for help. "Hi could you please help me quickly look for a plane?" She walked over to her computer and said, "Sure no problem." She was typing way too slowly and it gave me anxiety so I excused myself and went to go actively look for her.
I saw a blonde girl sitting on a chair and it seemed as if she was waiting for someone. Could it be her?
I ran as fast as I could to her and said, "Oh my gosh, Cara I'm so sorry I'm late." She turned around and it wasn't her! As if this day couldn't have started any worse. "Oh ma'am, I'm so sorry." She didn't seem too bothered but just as I was about to have a mental breakdown, I felt someone tap on my shoulder.
"Hey, I hope you didn't think that I would leave you without saying goodbye." I turned around and saw her! She was wearing grey sweatpants, a grey tank top and a black coat. She only had a backpack with her and a huge teddy bear. She didn't get attached to things, but to people.
"Cara!" I hugged her so tightly. She said, "You had me so unbelievably worried, I thought you weren't gonna show up!", I was so relieved, I started tearing up a bit. "I'm sorry, I slept in by accident!"
"Its fine at least you're here now!" She hugged me again for a good 10 seconds before slowly breaking the hug, still having her arms around me, she said "I'm really gonna miss you." We were so physically close. "I know.", I cockily said as a joke. She let go of me and tapped my arm and we laughed. She turned to see the time and it was 9:58am.
"Cara this sucks but you really have to go." "Yeah I guess I do."
It seemed like she didn't really put much thought into what she did next but she kissed me. She actually kissed me. It went from a simple peck, that we broke and then went into a second more passionate kiss. It felt as if my heart was actually bursting. We stopped kissing as she only had a minute left and we were both blushing a bit. "Bye!" She said before running to her plane. "Call me when you land!" I yelled as she got on. Its a miracle how she made it on time and how they let her in.

So this was it. I smiled at the ground and was madly blushing. Kissing her felt like the most natural thing to ever do. As happy as I was, I knew that this was gonna hurt like hell later.


I changed into my pyjamas and covered myself in blankets. That kiss was all I could think about as I listened to love songs and read a bunch of love quotes. I really am falling hard. A part of me was bursting of joy while another part of me was slowly breaking because she was gone.

And now so was a part of me.

But I knew that wherever she was, we'd always be under the same stars.


- 12/1/2016

damn i wasn't expecting this to end on a tragic note. but i can't be the only one who listens to music while crying to love quotes while i'm feeling heartbroken or totally in love. so how was this short fanfic? i'm thinking of turning it into a full fanfic. maybe just starting it from the ending or starting it from the beginning. idk.

but yeah, let me know what you guys think by leaving a comment or voting and if i turned this into a fanfic, would you guys read it?
and this book isn't over, keep the look out for more imagines 👀✨

leave me some requests, if you'd like, on ideas 💗 thank you guys so much for reading.

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