{Ch.1} New Beginnings!

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{• Y/N's POV •}
Today I start my first day at Ouran High School ! Well it's not the first day at the high school I'm kinda late since I transferred here just a couple days ago so I'm near the middle of the school year just a couple months off.

Soo I'm at the gate and yea and my mind can't comprehend the place! It's like...Like A Castle!! A Kingdom, A Palace that this commoner is going to get lost in!

I look down at the uniform I was assigned.
A muddy gold skirt and a shirt the same color but laced with white and light yellow now at the back making it look like a dress then there's these leggings they didn't come with the uniform but I don't feel comfortable with them not on.I used all my allowance to get the things the academy offers/sells, it would be an a embarrassment other wise, and the last thing I need is attention.


"ECK?!!?" I yelp in alarm which causes basically all my books to fall from my grasps and that was the first bell !Baka!Baka!Baka!

{A/N-- Baka Means Idiot For those who don't know }

Girls and boys go through the gate as I gather my books I get a few stares from people , one kid points at me ( rude )but they pass by.

I'm almost done until i feel a light tap on my shoulder.

I look behind me to be meet with a blonde guy with pale skin and violet eyes that has a wide smile?

What is this ?
He speaks.

" need help ? Princess.." He softens the last word

Did he just....

I grab a book and hit the man thinking this guy is trying to do some funny business.

"OW!" He cowers in a corner

My E/C orbs glare at him

" Disgusting! I'm- I'm calling the police!" I sneer

He goes pale very pale I think he died just a bit

"Nonono I'm not a bad guy !! I'm just the handsome king of the host club please don't send me to jail ! " he begs

I hear a another voice come from the gate.

"Ya Tamaki~Senpia isn't bad,right mori?" Says a small and wee bit cute voice

I look at the gate to see a small dirty blonde kid with big Browns eyes hugging a ...bunny?

Next to him is a poker faced dude he has black hair and eyes and is waayyy taller than the other kid

Im very confused and all I did was drop my books?

" I'm confused but that doesn't matter right now so I'll be leaving for class .....and i won't call the police okay ... So umm-"

"Tamaki Suroh "

"Suroh I promise I won't call the police " I say as I walk off into the building

{•~•~•Magical Time Skip Of Magic•~•~•}

I went three classes and none are close to each other!

I drag my poor legs across the floor

It's lunch and no where is quiet , NO WHERE CAN PEOPLE NOT STOP TALKING FOR A MINUTE?!?!!??!

Room 2
I listen for noise...

None !!

I smile and open the door.....only to be greeted by a man in a black robe with a cat puppet....

Let's say once  the door opened it closed

"Ugh what's wrong with this school?"
I mutter under my breath

Next to the room 2 is a music room

Music room #3

Three music rooms huh , lots of music Must be happening.

I open the door .............okay really what's wrong with this school

as I opened the door rose pedals come out
I stare wide eyed at the door

" welcome what my I do--"

"You !?!?" I yell

It's the same blonde guy and what I see the little boy and the poker faces man
The others are complete new faces

" all I wanted was to go to school!

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