{Ch.4} AWW

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Today was my first day on the job of the host club.
Apparently we go into a common room type thing and we all sit in separate couches and girls kinda just come over, the ones who have reservations of course, and they talk and gush over us. At the moment I  have three girls right now, apparently a lot have been reserved for me due to the fact they all want to met the new guy .

"Y/n?" Said one the girls
"Are you listening?"

"O-Oh I-I'm so sorry! I must of drifted off! I-I apologize!" I say giving them a more tea trying to make up for drifting

"Aww!" Said one of the other girls
"Don't worry about it y/n!"

My face heats up slightly
"T-Thank you..." I say softly looking at the ground

All the girls squeal

"Can we  have another reservation, tomorrow?"

"E-Eh?" I look up at them blushing brighter at how they reacted

They laugh sweetly as we continue our time.

It goes on like that till the end of the day, I apparently I did good getting a lot of requests for another reservation.

I make my way to the group, since we were on break and everyone seems to be together.

As I walk up I get hugged by Tamaki

"AWWW~" he squealed " My little flower did a good job! Oh yes you did!" He continued to ruffle my h/c hair

"They seem to have brought many customers than before meaning having you was a excellent move on the clubs part" said Kyoya pushing up his glasses

But Tamaki was still bear hugging the twins joined in to ruffling my hair and hugging me to death

"And it looks like your not listening" he said with annoyance

My face became a light shade of blue from the lack of air I was getting

"Sempia! Let go of Y/n ! Your going to crush her!"  Yelled Haruhi

Tamaki sighed
"Since your jealous of my affection towards y/n I will let go for your sake Haruhi"

Haruhi sighed
"Sempia I'm not jealous in any way shape or form'

Tamakia then went into his corner silently
I patted him on the back trying to make him feel better

"Thank you *pant* Sempia for *pant* your compliments!" I said slowly

His ego than begin to rise back up
"W-Well of course!"

I went next to Haruhi and whispered a thank you for saving my life and with that lunch bell rang.

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