{Ch.5} Have More!

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The Gang convinced me into sitting with them, as the boys left for the lunch line me and haruhi took out our packs.
We waited for the boys to come before eating.
"How did you get in the school?" Asked haruhi obviously trying to make conversation
"Well I got good grades and I..."
Wait a minute how did I get into this school?
I did get all A's but I mean could that really offer to what's at this school?
Haruhi saw my confused look as she explained that she also got into the school with Her grades as well.
"Haruhi, Y/n, your eating that?"
Tamaki said coming back with group as he looked intently at our food.
"Well, it cost to much to buy school lunch from here so I just pack my own"
I explained
"Same" said Haruhi
"Waaahh? You mean.." Started Kauro "you make your own food?"
Finished Hikaru
"Uh yea..." I mumbled
Not knowing if they meant it in a good or bad way.
"We want to taste the commoner food!" The twins yelled  in synch
"It's not commoner food" Haruhi sighed with her words
"Maybe tomorrow I could--"
"No!" Said Tamaki
"We will trade our food with you Y/n and Haruhi so you can taste the food that you deserve!"
"Er okay it's always good to try something new...?" I said switching trays with Tamaki
"Nah I'm fine." Haruhi refused
Mori inches his plate towards Haruhi.
"Mori Sempia I'm fine really"
The twins glance at my food before taking a bite out of it, Tamaki does the same

They start Squealing as they tower over me. before I take a bite the twins start shaking me.
"Y/n I never knew you could cook so good! " they hugged me
"My flower please allow us to have more of your cooking" Tamaki started bowing to me on the floor
The twins joined in

I glanced nervously at Haruhi she shrugged before speaking to Mori and Honey.
"W-Why not?" I said with a slight smile

"Yay~" the three hug me

"Now eat!"
They yelled pointing at my food
I took one bite out of the food
Flavor bursts in my mouth making a "Mmmmm" sound come out of my mouth
"She likes it!" They Google over me as I continue to eat the food
"Here have more!" The Twins pushed there plates towards mine
"Don't forget about dessert!" Honey said pushing his plate towards by the time I knew it Mori and Harhui Tossed me there plates.
Wow what a day, I got to eat food, food , and more food!!

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