{Ch.2} No Choice ?!?

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Previously On This Horrible Love Story :I open the door to The Music room  .............okay really what's wrong with this school

as I opened the door rose pedals come out and then 6 (with the twins ) guys the other ones a girl even if she's dressed like a guy i know she's not.

" welcome what my I do--"

"You !?!?" I yell

It's the same blonde guy and little boy and the poker faced man
The other four are complete new faces

" all I wanted was to go to school!


{• Y/n's POV •}

I walk towards the group
"Why in the world are you here? What is this?!"
I continue unknowingly walking towards a pillar

"Wait!--" said one of the guys from the group
He had short brown hair and big brown eyes those of which seemed feminine but who am I to judge.

I smashed into the pillar knocking off a glass case with roses

Time seemed to slow down

"No! No wait.!"
I threw my hands out but all i was able to catch was a rose in my hand

I stared down, horrified at how much that one vase would cost....

"I'm gonna go broke...." I whispered to myself

I caught a look from the short brown haired boy
He looked.... Sympathetic?

"Ah yes! A new member of the host club!"
Yelled the one know as Tamaki Surah
He jumped out of his chair

"It looks like we can't make her into a guy like haruhi." Said the twins as they circled around me
"Or maybe we can!"
I stared blankly at them, trying to piece together what happened.

Okay I broke a vase, a expensive one, they want me to...change my gender? this is a club, they want me,..... In the club, but, I don't want to be in the club, no club, bad club.

"Why is she such wearing such a scary face Tamaki-Senpia?" Said the small Lolita boy

"I don't know maybe she's to excited and can't comprehend  what's happening!" Tamaki said with a large grin


"What?" Said most of the group in confusion

"Nope!nope!nope!nope!nope!nope!" I heading towards the door before someone grabbed the back of my uniform and pulled me back

"Sorry but that China was very expensive, so if you don't want to have a huge hole in bank account I suggest you stay"

"Gah!" I turned around to face the man with glasses

"Are you getting a hair cut any time soon?" He said again

"W-Wh--Well umm yes..." I replied not knowing where this is going.

"Well when you do get it cut. Cut it to..."
The twins point make a invisible line where they suggest cutting it meaning most of my hair

"Well umm... I guess change is good--" I get cut off by Tamaki as he jumps around me petting my head

"Great! Welcome to the host club my beautiful flower!"

"What's the host club?" I asked not knowing what it is and what they do, it looks like a drama club or something

"Think of it like... A play ground for the rich when they get bored!"


"But! We get to make girls happy! That's our  number on priority!" Yelled the blond proudly


"Hey why Mori-senpia, why did her face become scary again?" Said the Lolita boy

The now know man named mori shrugged
Which the small boy understand

"You, start tomorrow!"

Ouram high School Host Club OHSHCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя