The Tall Man

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"Aye Slendy! Open up its me!" Jeff says banging on the tall oak door. No response. "SLENNNDDDDERR!" Jeff whines. Suddenly I hear something move from inside. Jeff gives me wink,
"Works every time." Large steps were creaking through the floor. And then it opened.

A man with a white face, no mouth, no eyes appeared before me in a nice suit and red tie. Large octopus-like arms grew from his back and picked up Jeff, making him look at only his face. My vision became blurry, my heart pounding with my vision, the more I stared at him, the more fear sank in my heart.
"Slender. You're hurting her." I could hear Jeff say, annoyed. Suddenly I was back to normal. The fear, simply left. I looked up to the tall man- he had to be at least 10 feet tall.
"M-my name is (Y/N)." I say, voice shaking. He stared at me- he had no eyes but I could feel it.
"I am The Slender Man. May I ask why you're here?" He said in a deep, sophisticated voice. And it hit me. I don't know why I'm here! I just followed Jeff!

"She's the next Creepypasta. Remember earlier you told me something big happened? Your tentacle-senses were-a-tingling? You told me to go to the living world and find the next 'killer'. Well I ran into her. Besides new Creepypasta's come once ever 2 years. Can't be no coincidence." Jeff said at the faceless man.
"Great, I get to be the next noodle?!" I complained.
"So this is the girl? And Jeff it's not 'tentacle senses' you idiot." He looked at me and put down Jeff, but he picked me up instead.
"She's hurt. See that her wounds are healed, then bring her back to me for proper training." Slender said and closed the door.
"Training?" I ask.
"Yup. Every Creepypasta has to go through tests to see if they're worthy of holding the operator signal. Better known as the Proxy Signal. If ya pass, you become one of us, live for all eternity gain super strength and never grow old. Since I brought you in, I'm your mentor." He says proudly, flipping his hair.
"..What kind of tests?"

"Well.. For me it was killing a certain amount of people quickly, see if you can out run the cops, heal yourself if injured, be fast with good agility, and of course, lose your sanity." He laughs.
" a psychopath.." I sigh.
"What's the matter? You had no problem killing those two people." He says crossing his arms.
"I was angry..and they deserved it.." My eyes start to water,
"-and one of them was my mother." I let the tears fall, suddenly regret flowed through me. This.. Is me.. A monster..
"Hey.. Look.. Uh-.." Jeff didn't know what to say. It's not his fault, I just wish someone could tell me 'it's going to be okay' or 'I'm here now, don't worry.'
"Look at me." I heard him say. I look up at his blue eyes.

"The past is gone, you're with me now. So forget all that shit, all that regret because it holds you back. You did what you did because your heart said so. Even if you wish you didn't do what you did, you can't change it. So just forgive yourself and look up cause things can still be beautiful." He looks into my eyes and tells me. I run into his arms and hug him.
"He-hey! Can't let others think I'm soft.." He whispers awkwardly.
"Thanks.. I needed that.." I whisper back.
"Yeah yeah.. C'mon. Let's get you patched up." I let go of him and he walk ahead. Something in my heart blossomed.. Is this what true friendship feels like.. It's different than what I felt with Sharon.

Sharon.. My best friend..
"You comin'?!" Jeff yelled.
"Y-yeah!" And I run to him, leaving my thoughts behind.
"So where are we going?" I ask as we walk around the 3rd floor.
"To see Ann." He responded.
"You know I wish you'd abbreviate more." I sighed.
"Nurse Ann. She's the girl that takes care of us when we're wounded. She's like, the mother of us and Slender is like, our dad. If you ask me I think those two have a thing, know what I mean." He snorts.
"I thought you said you guys are immortal. And y'all can still find love?" I ask confused.
"Well yeah we're immortal but that don't mean we can't get hurt. And I'm just playing. We're monsters'. Course we can't find love. Its unheard of. Most of us don't believe in love anyways or just have given up. I mean, who would wanna date us." Jeff rolls his eyes.
"Well don't say that! Everyone is capable of finding love. It takes time sure, but it's not It impossible. You just have to look." I respond.
"Sure. Whatever you say." He doesn't say anything else.


"Here." He stops in front of a red door.
"Ann? It's me Jeff."
"C'mon in." I hear a woman's voice call. He opens the door and I see a woman with red hair, bloodshot eyes and a black nurses uniform. She had stitches that reminded me of Frankenstein.
"What's this? A girl? Why Jeff I didn't know you had a girlfriend. I thought you were gay." She smirked.
"Ann, you-! Arg! I don't like guys! And she ain't my girlfriend!"
"Oh.. Well in that case, I might as well stop the wedding planning between you and BEN." She laughed.
"What the- Oh my god never mind! Just fix her up will ya!" He groaned turning red and sat in the corner chair.
"Haha! My goodness Jeffery, always so sensitive. So who's the girl?" She ask while walking up to me.
"The new Creepypasta. Well, if she ever begins her first test." He rolled his eyes, still ticked.
"Hm. This little bean? How precious. Has she met the family?" She asks circling me.
"Have you told her about our world."
"Just the basics."
"How about the war?"
"My, my.. Sweet heart, you see their were two leaders in the world. The Slender Man, and Zalgo. And we were at war right not too long ago. Each of the sides had an army, to defeat the other side. Who ever won, got to control this world. Basically our side is about self-sacrifice and justice. While Zalgo rules with dictatorship and power. In the end we won, and Zalgo's worshippers came to our side. I'm telling you this because it's your first test to know our history. Oh! And yes it's true we're immortal, but only from humans. If another Creepypasta kills us, we're dead." She winks. "Jeffery you're her mentor! Act like it." She sighs.
"Well! My bad Ms.Know-it-all." Jeff says leaving the room.
"Goodness gracious. Anyway, let's get you patched up."


I come out the room, my injuries healed and spot Jeff sitting on the floor.
"Finally!" He grabbed my hand and we walked back to Slender man's office. This time, I knock.
"Children, you're back. Come inside now, quickly." He says leaving the door open. We both walk inside and it's gorgeous. Crystal chandelier, red wine carpet, instead of walls it was shelves with books in them, golden trim, it was beautiful.
"My brother, Trender man, decorated it. It's quite nice I believe." Slender says.
"Yes it is!" I reply. Jeff doesn't say much.
"Anyways child. To become a Creepypasta you need to go through a series of different tests, making sure you're capable of becoming one of us. I assume Jeff has filled you in on our history?"
I nod, even though it was Nurse Ann.
"Good. Than its time you relive that history."
"Wait- what."

"I will sent you back to the war date. The only Instructions I will give you are to survive, kill and win. You will be given 10 minutes. I'll see you soon."
"What are you- Jeff?! JEFF!" I scream for him but Slender man ties me down to a chair, strapped as if I was an insane patient.
"Please- No!!!" I scream for help but Jeff watches with pain in his eyes, as if he feels sorry for me.
I see a metal hat, filled with needles and poles on it, it slowly reaches my head, blinding my sight.
"I will set the date March 9th 2015. This shall give the you perspective of our view and how it looked like when we fought against Zalgo's army. In this virtual experience, it's up to you and your actions to see if you will help us win, or lose. Good luck." Slender said, my eyes were now filled with tears.
"You'll be back before you know it (Y/N)." I heard Jeff say.

"Please- NO!!!!"

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