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The fourth day. I already knew today's the day I have another test. I just knew it. The frustration is just growing on me! I don't even know what this test will be about..
"You feeling okay?" Ms.P asked. I was sitting outside on the porch, watching people walk by the mansion.
"I've been better." I sigh. She sits down next to me.
"This is about Jeffery isn't it." She whispers.
"Yeah. What sucks is he thinks I really hate him- why do you think the bar keeps going down!" I can see her roll her eyes.
"Sweet heart- he knows you're playing. Listen I shouldn't be telling you this- but Jeffery took out the chip on his neck; the one connected to the Love Bar. So the bar is naturally going down on its own because it has no power source! He just puts on his act like he 'hates' you just like you're doing. Did no one tell you?" I stare at her- dumbstruck.
"W-what?! So I've been stressing out over nothing!" I nearly scream.
"Calm down! My guess is no one told you because they're scared of Slender and Ann. Who wouldn't be? If they knew the truth they'd kill you and Jeff. Literally. Anyways.. I'm outta here. I'm running low on blood- need to go kill me a few people before I become sick too. See you around." And with that she waves and disappears into the crowd of monsters and ghouls.

Now that I know the truth- everything is much more clearer. I walk back to the dorm and spot Kate, BEN and Jeff sitting together on the couch. I look at Jeff- he looks at me.
"H-hey guys." I say awkwardly.
"Hey (Y/N)!" They all say at the same time. They look nervous.. Like they're hiding something. It seemed like an eternity before someone said something. All of a sudden- a large bang barges on the door. We all turn towards it- and it's bangs again. Someone was trying to open it-
"AWHA!" By the third bang Toby barges in knocking the door down with him.
"There's a knob on the door for a reason T!" Kate yells.
"Hehe.. Whoops. Didn't see it." He says like nothing happened.
"Why are you here?" Jeff asked annoyed.
"Slender told me to get (Y/N)." He said calming down. Everyone got up, surprised.
"Why does he need her." BEN said eyeing him.
"Well why else silly," Toby poked BEN's nose.
"To start the Fourth Test!" He continued. We all traded looks. It was time.


"Welcome child, today we shall start the fourth test." Slender said. Jeff, Ann, Kate and Jane were all here with me.
"What's the fourth test?" I reply nervous.
"Well, the fourth test consists of you and your mentor to go back to the situation that made you Creepypasta worthy. There, you'll have to redo the entire senecio in under 30 minutes." Ann said walking up next to me.
"Meaning..?" I said still confused.
"Meaning you'll have to go back into the virtual world and re-kill your mother and the customer, only this time with Jeff there to score you. Not to mention a time limit. And don't worry- your mom won't be able to see Jeff." She smirked.
"I- I have to- to." My voice cracked- fear over weakened me.
"No." I managed to say.
"What?" Ann said surprised.
"Ever since I killed my mother and that man I realized how horrible I was. I used to like that people feared me. I used to like dissecting things, I used to like being alone. Now I can't imagine a world where I don't have someone. Me killing- that was the old me. I do not plan on experiencing that feeling again." I cross my arms. Everyone gaped at me.

Jeffs POV

Did- did she just ignore an order? Kate pulled me in,
"What did I say? She can not fail!"
I need to do something. Now.
"What (Y/N) means Slender, is that she'd be delighted to participate in the Fourth Test." I smirk walking over to (Y/N) and placing my elbow on her shoulder.
"What that's not-"
I gave her a look.
"Right- that's what I meant." She coughed. He looked between me and her and finally nodded.
"Alright, I thought so. Well, Jeffery, (Y/N), go ahead and sit on the chairs. Ann, strap them in." Slenderman ordered.
It's been forever since I've been in one of these. I remember my fourth test.. I look up at Jane.
She smiles. She seems.. Different. Like a load has been lifted. They strap us in and stick the metal helmet on our heads.
"Initiating, Project 66." Slender says.

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