The Meadow

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"Where are we going?" I ask while leaving the mansion.
"Some place I go for some me-time." Jeff says
"And that is.."
"Far away from monsters."
We run past people on sidewalks, but they all look at me, staring. After a couple of seconds of being weirded out, I ask Jeff to slow down.
"Why are they staring at me?" I ask without making eye contact at the monster.
"They sense you're humanity. You're still sane, still, fully human." He respond while looking through allies as we walk.
"And that's a bad thing?"
"No, just that we don't get many humans down here unless we're suppose to kill them. They aren't trying to kill you because they know you might just be the next Creepypasta." He assures me. I sigh. When did my life become so rough? Oh wait- since I was born.

"Where the hell are we going Jeff?" We've been walking for over 30 minutes.
"Sheesh talk about first world problems. Chill, we're almost there. Besides you need to be fit of you want to be a member. Gotta work that cardio." Jeff laughed.
"I am fit!" I shout back.
"You're words not mine." He whistled.
"Humph!" I cross my arms and look away.
"Aw, c'mon princess. We're almost there." He turned to the left down an ally, which led to more allies, until it was a maze. But finally after what seemed like forever, I looked beyond a building, and there it was.

A beautiful enchanted meadow, glowing with sparkling blue grass, white willow trees, fireflies lighting the place, and woodland creatures surround the turquoise lake. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I couldn't even speak-
"It's breath-taking, isn't it." Jeff says looking upon it.
"Yeah.. It truly is remarkable." I say in awe. "But what is this place?" I ask.
"I guess you could count it as my thinking place. It's kind of where I just come to think about things. It's the only place I know in this wretched world that isn't black, white, or red." He sits down on the grass; I do too. We sat there, not saying a word. We don't need to say anything. Just being next to each other is enough. Saying nothing, sometimes says the most, it's more than people can see. Night grew closer, and the sun had set.
"We should head back-" I was cut off.
"No..please, I just want to be here longer." Jeff says grabbing my hand. I nod and lay back next to him.

"You seem scared." I say after a few minutes.
"What makes you think that?" He responded.
"I've always been a background character, so I've learned to read people from afar. Their facial expressions, their movement; I study them. And you're showing signs making me believe you're frighten. But I want to know of what." I turn my head to see him. He was looking at the stars.
"What are you afraid of, Jeff?" I ask again, calming my voice.
"I-I.. I suppose life.." He whispers.
"What about it?" I ask.
"How much it's changed. How much I've changed.. I don't want to kill people for eternity. But, if I don't, I die. Creepypasta's feed off the lives they take. But I don't want to kill anyone anymore.. It's like.." He pauses. But I listen. Sometimes people just need someone to hear their problems. Silence speaks a thousand words.
"It's like I want to be human again.." He whispers. His eyes, turn watery.
"The fear in people's eyes when I kill them.. I'm taking away a life, (Y/N). An innocent person who would've changed the world. A person who loves people. I kill because it makes me feel happy.. Nothing has ever made me feel the same happiness as I've felt watching the life being sucked out of people. It made me feel powerful... But then... I met you." He turned his head to face me. We were inches apart.
"It's as if, when I'm with you, the feeling of killing goes away. Because I don't need to kill to be happy, being with you makes me happy.. Hell, it makes me even more happy. I don't know why.. But you've made me want to be human again." He was now crying, and I pushed away the hair from his face. I want to look at him, and only him.
"You feel the need to be powerful and think killing is the only way to be happy. Jeff, you are human. You don't need to hurt others to feel happiness, you need someone who can make you happy just by being there. You are a beautiful human being who's struggled with finding themselves. It's not your fault for killing those people, it's the world. The world has changed all of us to be sinners. But Jeff, don't you see? You're changing.. I've changed ever since I met you too.. Killing doesn't bring you happiness Jeff, that's what you think. Only you can truly know what makes you happy. This, is just a lie. You said it yourself, you don't want to kill people, I know you don't. Just like I know you don't want to make this world more hateful. But you have to choose, between living, and surviving. They have different meanings." I say softly and place my hand on his cheek. Before I know it, I start shedding tears.. I can feel his pain, and it hurts me..
"I want to live, (Y/N).. I do, and I want to be happy.. But I can only be happy if you're around.. I don't know why. But I need you. But how can I make you happy? (Y/N), look at me. I've hurt people. I'm not beautiful. I'm ugly." Now my heart was hurting.
"Jeff, you're not ugly, you're the most beautiful person I've seen in this disgraceful world. You do make me happy Jeffery Woods. I need you too..." I whisper and place my head against his.
"But look at me.." He cries.
"I am. And I see a boy who loves the world. A boy with a beautiful heart." He pulls me in his grasps and hugs me tightly.
"Thank you, (Y/N)..." He says softly.
"You're welcome Jeff.."

And we fall asleep.


I hear groans. My eyes flicker open, and I remember all that happened last night. We're still in the meadow- but where's Jeff? I sit up and notice a figure down by the lake. It's him. And he's hurt.
I run down, my heart racing, thinking of all the worst possibilities.
"Jeff- Jeff!?" I yell running down the blue grass.
"(Y/N)-" he coughs. I see blood. I run down and immediately get on the ground. I turn his body to face me- he's curled in a ball, suffering.
"Jeff- what's wrong?! Jeff?!" I scream.
"Oh shit- shit, shit, shit." I say, I don't know what to do. I need to call someone- but how?! Suddenly I hear voices- down the allies.
"HELP! SOMEONE!" I scream as loud as I can. I place Jeff's head on my lap, his forehead is hot.
"(Y/N)?!" I hear a voice say. Then two people appeared from the ally into the meadow. It was Jane and BEN.
"Guys-! HELP!" I yell. They come rushing down the hill to meet us.
"Fuck- Jane, help me carry him, we need to get him to Nurse Ann. (Y/N), rush over to the mansion and warn the others that we have a Protocol XY." BEN says, lifting him up.
"Is he okay-?"
"Just go!" Jane says.
I nod quickly and run as fast as I can to Ann.


I push the doors open and look around me, I run to the stairs up to Ann's office, and she was there.
"(Y/N) what on earth-"
"Ann- Jeff- Help- Protocol XY!" I say low on breath. She immediately stands up after I say XY.
"Where is Jeffery?" She asks sternly.
"He's here-" I hear Jane say carrying Jeff.
"What's wrong with him-" I ask.
"Jane, BEN, put him on the bed- and get Slender. This has only happened once, only Slender knows how to deal with it. And get the girl out of here!" She says.
"Yes ma'am. We've already alerted Slender Man." BEN says.
"What- no- I need to be with him!" I rush past them and go to his side. But Jane and BEN grab me- and forcefully pull me towards the exit.
"No- are you all mad!? Let me seen him!" I scream, kicking and punching them. I knock down BEN to the ground and punch Jane.
I was about to reach Jeff- until 2 black tentacle-like arms wrap around me. I scream and punch- desperate to be by my friends side- suddenly I see Ann walk up to me and inject me with something and soon my vision blurs, until I fall into a deep slumber.
All I could hear was Slender man saying,
"Take her to the basement."

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