The Fifth Test

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"Sharon." I whisper.
"(Y/N), you're here. Wonderful- enter my room." Slender says walking inside.
"(Y/N), you can't focus on that-! You have to pass this test- or you die!" Jane said pushing me into the office.
"No buts! Listen! You can't focus of Sharon- focus on Jeff. He needs you!" Kate said grabbing my shoulders.
"Wait- WAIT!" I scream, tears pouring.
They stop pushing me.
"Even if I pass- how will Jeff survive?" I ask, trembling.
"Leave that to me. Jeff and I made a plan incase this happened. But in order for it to work- you can't fail. Do you understand me?" BEN said, panicking. I nod- still crying. I walk in and turn around. The three whispered goodbye, and the doors shut.
"Let's begin."

"Now. For the Fifth Test you shall be required to go to the Overworld and kill the only person left alive you felt close to. Or showed you kindness, or you loved. Since your mother is already gone, the only person left is Sharon." Slender said.
"H-H-how do you know about-"
"I know everything about everyone's lives before they joined here child. Everything. Now, since this mission tests your ability to kill, to survive, your stealth, and to remove all emotions, you will be given an hour to eliminate your target. Good luck child-"
"Slender-" I cut him off and looked at his pale face.

"I want you to drop the act. You are the father of all of them. You take care of your children as if their your own. I can feel your love for them. And that's your weakness. You're slowly dying, aren't you?"
He says nothing.
"And you love each and every one of them. Hoodie, Angel, Jack, Jill, Rake- all of them. So losing Jeff- you were counting on me to stop loving him weren't you?" He still remained silent.
"And I'm sorry I failed you. But BEN has come up with a plan to save him. It will require me passing... And I'm counting on you to keep Jeff alive until then. If I don't pass, I die. Which will break the love connection between me and Jeffery. Death do us part.. So either way- Jeffery will live. I promise." I said sternly. He bends down to meet my eyes.
"Then it's a promise I hope you keep.. My child. It's up to you. I hope to see you pass. Please." He stiffens. I nod with understanding. It's my turn to keep my promise. Slender grabs an orb with light blue mist in it. He smashes it on the ground and I block my vision- the bright light swarms the whole room. When it settles, a portal has been opened.

"Go. To the Overworld." He says. I run over to hug him hard.
"Thank you Slender.."
"No my child. Thank you." And with that I went on my way.

I'm coming Sharon.


"I-I'm home." I regain my balance and see my broken, run down house. The blood, dry but still there. The door, still broken on the floor. But the bodies- gone. Yellow police tape surrounded the place- I sigh. What have I gotten myself into? And suddenly my memory returns.
I'm a wanted criminal
But-but what if I'm not a criminal? They never had proof it was me.. Still, I can't risk it. I go straight to my closet and luckily my clothes were still in place. I grab a black hoodie and pull the hood on. Better take the back way.. Thank god I know where Sharon lives.

I start walking down the corridor, seeing blood stains here and there. I swallow my guilt and continue walking. I take a deep breath, smelling the world that was once mine.
"Oh lord. How I've failed you." I whisper. The blue cloudy sky glimmered, the yellow sun shinned it warm heat, the birds chirp in the beautiful sky. Things so small are so remarkable. A shame I took it all for granted. I finally meet the road where the streets split- Sharon lives to the right. I remember now. I look down at my watch and see I have 45 minutes left. Strolling down the sidewalks I see a few posters on the fences. I squint my eyes to make our the small wording. I gasp.

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