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Once you reached inside the big hat, you grabbed... A black journal.

An all too familiar black journal..

Your eyes went wide with shock and fear as you sensed the journal's owner starting to walk towards you, and you furiously shook your head as you backed away.

"No, no way am I going in there... With.. With... Kyoya...!" You exclaimed as you quickly hid behind Mori. You were way too afraid of Kyoya for your own good, being he's the "King of Shadows" and all.. (A/N: Correct me if that was wrong please XD)

Kyoya simply stood there staring at you with a devilish smirk, and pushed up his glasses. "What would it take you to come in there with me? I can't dock a debt like I do with Haruhi.." An audible click of the tongue could be heard from her. "So, what will it be?" He finished as he looked at you with a gentle yet dangerous smile.

You pondered his question for a bit before deciding on what it would take for you to go in there with that... Demon. "You must keep your distance away from me for the whole 7 minutes...!" A sigh could be heard from him as he started walking towards the closet. "I don't have any interest in doing anything to you in the first place, so just come in."

You watched him like a wolf stalking it's pray, being sure he kept his word as you followed him into the closet. The twins were shaking as they closed the door. "B-Be careful (Y/N)...!" That was the final word you got from them before they closed the door and locked it. "7 m-minutes starts n-now..!"

Just as that was said, you were suddenly pushed to the wall and pinned, your wrists on both sides of your head as you could sense the King of Shadows looming over your small body.

~ Kyoya's POV ~

'I finally have her...' I reached my hand over to her wrist, grabbing her and pinning her to the wall nearby. 'Oh so many things I could do with this innocent little girl..' She stared up at me with those fearful big eyes and opened her mouth quickly, "You.. You promised you would keep your distance with me, Kyoya..!" I let out a chuckle before leaning down and whispering into her ear. "I can break promises too my dear.. You put me through quite the trouble just to get you in here.."

~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

I was terrified... So terrified that I'm shaking ever so slightly. I looked down, unable to look him in the eye before I heard him speak once again. "Why are you so terrified of me?" With that, my eyes went wide with shock, surprised with his sudden question. I thought it over before realizing.. You didn't really have a reason to be scared of him.. You just were..

"I.. Don't know...", was all you could muster out over your thinking.

He looked down at me before gently pulling away and lifted my chin up so my eyes could meet his. "Do you hate me then?" I could only shake my head and he broke out into a small smile. "I see... So you admit that you have desires and feelings for me?" I blushes darkly and averted my eyes.

"I couldn't say... I'm having mixed feelings..", I said as my voice trailed off slightly. I felt him move my face, his hand caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. "Shall I clear up those mixed feelings then?"

Soon, I felt his lips on mine, and surprisingly to me, I was kissing back. Me, kissing the King of Shadows, Kyoya. The Kyoya I was so scared of for no apparent reason, was truthfully the one person I loved.

Kyoya pulled away from the sweet kiss, looking deep into my eyes before breaking out into a smile, taking my hand in his and pulled me close whispering into my ear. "Let's continue this when we get out of this closet, (Y/N).."

I blushed darkly, nodding and knowing I was in for a night full of surprises with Kyoya...


A/N: This marks the ending of this book! *cheers* Yes, I will be skipping Haruhi sadly because I'm not really sure how to write Yuri.. So sorry! >n<

I hope you all enjoy this book and I'll see you guys in the next book hopefully, next book idea is still in progress, but there will definitely be one so look out for it! :) Thank you for all of your support guys! Love you!

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