Dell duke

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         An ignoramus shoots at the wrong          thing and hits it

     Dell Duke could not believe that he had ended up in the sprawling agricultural community. He had day dreamed bigger than this. Delwood  was his mother's last name and he'd been saddled with it as a first name at birth. But thankfully no one had ever called him Delwood.He was Dell from the start. While Dell hated his first name he took some measure of pride in duke. Only a few relatives knew that two generations before the name had been Dounfinakas but his Greek ancestor. George as far as Dell was concerned  had done the right thing. Dell hinted to anyone who would listen that his family had something to do with starting a university. And they had at one point worn a crown. Early on Dell Duke had wanted to be a doctor because he liked TV shows with heroic people who saved lives every week while showing off perfect teeth and great haircuts.

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