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    I felt my blood pressure rise. But in a good way. The exotic-looking teenager standing in front of me was bold. She was yelling at Mr. Dell Duke and the tone of her voice demanded that the world listen as she stood up for her brother and for me. It was there in the small stuffy trailer on the edge of the baking hot Blacktop of the Bakersfield school district parking lot that I found an older girl who was disappointing only in her failure to speak the language of the mostly obliterated Cahuilla people. I found Mai Nguyen.

   Dell Duke stared at us but he didn't say anything. Instead he pulled the only rabbit he had out of a hat which happened to be a cat from a cage. He gave us all a wobbly smile and opened the metal door of the plastic pet carrier.

                        THE END

           MADE BY: HOLLY GOLDBERG              SLOAN.

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