Troubles and more troubles

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    After I was removed from Mrs. Kleinsassers class and taken to principal Eczemas office my teachers and the other students treated me differently. A few of my classmates assuming that I'm some kind of  cheater asked me for answers to tests. An eighth grader with what looked to me like a full on beard demanded my math homework from last Tuesday. I was so startled that I gave him entire binder which I later found on top of the trash by the boys bathroom near the gym. He'd left half off roll of breath mints inside but I think it was and accident not a gift.

I was surprised that I was looking forward to the long walk from Sequoia Middle School over to the district offices where I had my second meeting with Mr. Dell Duke. Knowing that I had somewhere to go gave me a new sense of purpose. Even if it mentioned again lying to my parents.

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