Dell duke part 2

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I sat in the airless office and stared at Mr. Dell Duke. His head was very round and most human heads are not round. Very very few in fact have any real spherical quality. But this chubby bearded man with bushy eyebrows and sneaky eyes was the exception. He had thick curly hair and ruddy skin and it looked to me as if he was at least of partial Mediterranean origin. I was very interested in the diet of these countries. The combination of olive oil, hearty vegetables and cheese that comes from goats milk mixed with decent servings of fish and meat had been shown in numerous studies to promote longevity. But Mr. Dell Duke did not look so healthy. In my opinion he  wasn't getting enough exercise. I saw that he had a substantial belly under his loose fitting shirt. And weight carried around the middle is more deleterious than extra pounds in the butt. Yet culturally speaking today men with big butts are considered less desirable than a man with a potbelly which is no doubt wrong from an evolutionary point of view.

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